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它是怎样扩散的?How is it spread?

传扬真理。Spread the truth.

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薄薄地涂一层黄油。Spread the butter thinly.

警报迅速传开。The alarm spread rapidly.

替考把奶油涂到面包上。We spread butter on bread.

鹰展开了双翅。The eagle spread its wings.

别把果酱涂得那么厚。Don't spread jam that thick.

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别把果酱涂得那麽厚。Don't spread jam that thick.

野鸭们散布在各处。Ducks are spread everywhere.

维尔京人口的扩展。The spread of virgin births.

在饼干上涂一层黄油。Spread a cracker with butter.

这个消息不胫而走。The news spread like wildfire.

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我已经传播了这个该死的蠕虫。I had spread the accursed worm.

把黄油涂在土司面包上。Spread the butter on the toast.

消息像野火般迅速传播开来。The news spread like wild-fire.

消息象野火般迅速传播开来。The news spread like wild-fire.

水和空气污染在蔓延。Water and air pollution spread.

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喂入的棉条太散。Excessive spread of feed sliver.

很快,这个故事便流传开来。Soon, the story began to spread.

面条上面铺一杯量的沙司酱。Spread 1 cup sauce over noodles.