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量子化学仍处于发展初期。Quantum chemistry is in its infancy.

当时中国的国内旅游仍处在襁褓之中。Domestic tourism was also in its infancy.

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游艇业在中国仍然处于襁褓之中。Yachting in China is still in its infancy.

健康心理学的研究还处于初级阶段。The field of health psychology is in infancy.

他的一生都奉献给了中国的航空事业。At that time aviation was still in its infancy.

这个问题的解决方案存在于萌芽阶段。The solutions to this problem are in their infancy.

外星大气科学的研究还处于婴儿期。The science of exoplanet atmospheres is in its infancy.

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因为我们还是在发展的初期。because we're still sort of in the infancy of everything.

移动搜索和广告市场都还处于萌芽期。The mobile search and advertising markets are in their infancy.

科赫博士认为托诺博士的理论仍处于早期阶段。Dr. Koch considers Dr. Tononi’s theory to be still in its infancy.

积极心理学,健康心理学的研究还处于初级阶段。Positive psychology, the field of health psychology is in infancy.

国内目前对城区雨洪利用技术的研究和应用尚处在初期阶段。Research and application on this field was in the infancy in China.

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但如今再回首往事,当初这些技术仅仅还处在初期发展的萌芽阶段。But now looking back, those technologies were just in their infancy.

结论先心病是婴幼儿死亡的主要原因。Conclusion NCHD is an important cause of death in infancy and childhood.

悲伤和易怒可能出现在任何年龄层,从婴儿到白发苍苍的老人。Sadness and irritability can occur at any age from infancy to very old age.

道教文化对顾况的影响是从幼年直到他老年归隐茅山。The culture of Taoism effect his life from his infancy to his privacy live.

多彩的梦想伴随着我从婴儿期到青春少女的每一天。Colorful dreams accompanied me from infancy to the young girls of every day.

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未成年人本协议中涉及的用户均要达到法定年龄。INFANCY . You attest that you are of legal age to enter into this Agreement.

他们可能早在婴儿期或迟至中年表现出这种品质。They may manifest this quality as early as infancy or as late as middle age.

通常在婴幼儿时期开始以贫血与黄胆出现。It often shows up in infancy or early childhood, causing anemia and jaundice.