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多利是头克隆羊。Dolly is a clone.

你的女儿并非你的复制品。Your daughter is not your clone.

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实际上它就是仿制Tumblr的中文版。Actually it is a Tumblr clone in Chinese.

第三部分酪氨酸酶基因克隆。The third part is clone of tyrosinase gene.

她的任务是克隆出一个老鼠的神经鞘基因。Her task was to clone a rat gene called neu.

假如你克隆了一只病母牛,你将同样得到一只病的牛。If you clone a sick cow. You got a sick cow.

利用复制修改器所准备好的模型。Ready model with the help of Clone Modifier.

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在克隆人战争期间,莱克茜·戴奥遭暗杀。During the Clone Wars, Lexi Dio was assassinated.

但是这位主人知道,密斯的克隆体不一定能有与它一样的脾气秉性。But he knows her clone may not have her temperament.

在克隆战争中,艾丘岛使用绿色光剑。During the Clone Wars, Echuu had a green lightsaber.

第38装甲师的一名克隆人战斗工兵。A clone combat engineer of the 38th Armored Division.

选择“景观”层和抓斗的克隆工具。Select the "Landscape" layer and Grab the Clone Tool.

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①目的构建重组蜂毒肽的原核表达克隆。Objective To construct mellitin gene expression clone.

克隆物与母本动物或植物完全相同。A clone is identical with the original animal or plant.

本库带有两个预定义的克隆分配器。The library comes with two predefined clone allocators.

如果我可以复制内德维德,我将立刻行动。If I could clone Nedved, then I would do so immediately.

一名ARC中尉,ARC上尉与一名克隆人列兵。An ARC lieutenant, ARC captain and clone trooper private.

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随后,可以创建一个克隆Having made it available in Gerrit, we can create a clone

其实可能认识好几个,甚至与克隆人有过约会。Indeed, you may know several and even have dated a clone.

说克隆动物及其食品无法追踪,太假了。It is bogus to say clone animals and food can’t be traced.