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美拉尼西亚种族称他们的神为「玛拿」。People of Melanesia refer to their god as " Mana ".

在太平洋的美拉尼西亚群岛,是美与速度的象徵。A symbol of beauty and speed on the Pacific islands of Melanesia.

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美拉尼西亚将仍然是一个困难的地区,而且可能有新政策。Melanesia will remain a difficult region and one where a new policy is likely.

西太平洋的密克罗尼西亚和美拉尼西亚众多的岛屿就是这样产生的。Numerous islands of Micronesia and Melanesia in the western Pacific were created in this way.

如今在澳大利亚北部、新几内亚以及美拉尼西亚部分地方有手工绘制的树皮布料。Today hand-painted bark cloth is made in northern Australia, New Guinea, and parts of Melanesia.

迄今为止,夸富宴只见于北美洲和西北美洲、美拉尼西亚和巴布亚。Up until now, potlatch to only see in North America and west North America, Melanesia and Papua.

当然,首先解决这些岛屿有人跑了3500多年前的航海帆船从美拉尼西亚。Certainly the first settlement of these islands was made more than 3500 years ago by voyagers sailing from Melanesia.

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黑色人种组成了黑色的非洲,还包括住在巴布亚岛的居民,美拉尼西亚岛上的居民,亚洲东南部的居民。The black race is made up of the black Africans, and of other peoples living in Papua, Melanesia and nearby lands of Southeast Asia.

阿奇博士说,有可能尼安德特人扩展到东南亚,同后来住在美拉尼西亚的现代人相遇。It is possible that Denisovans ranged down to Southeast Asia, Dr. Akey said, crossing paths with modern humans who would later settle in Melanesia.

Stringer教授认为,这是由于现代人途经东南亚后到达美拉尼西亚期间可能仅有一次短暂的遭遇。Professor Stringer believes it is because there may have been only a fleeting encounter as modern humans migrated through South-East Asia and then on to Melanesia.

换句话说,在离开非洲后,现代人类在前往美拉尼西亚的途中一定曾经经过杰尼索娃人的居住区域,并与一些当地人有过性关系。In other words, as they left Africa, modern humans must have passed through the realm of the Denisovans, and had sex with some of the locals, on their way to Melanesia.

印澳群岛包含的区域由马来半岛,澳洲北部与印尼,菲律宾与美拉尼西亚的很多岛。Indo-Australian Archipelago The combined region formed by the Malay Peninsula, northern Australia, and the numerous islands of Indonesia, the Philippines, and Melanesia.

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玻利尼西亚、密克罗尼西亚和美拉尼西亚的生态系统急需有效的保护政策,否则该地区已有的物种灭绝不良记录将严重恶化。Ecosystems in Polynesia, Micronesia and Melanesia need urgent and effective conservation policies, or the region's already poor record on extinctions will worsen significantly.

报告指出,玻里尼西亚群岛、密克罗尼西亚以及美拉尼西亚急需采取有效的生态环境保护政策,否则当地本来就不容乐观的物种灭绝形势将会更加恶化。Ecosystems in Polynesia, Micronesia and Melanesia need urgent and effective conservation policies, or the region's already poor record on extinctions will worsen significantly, it said.