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真笑话非笑话。A true jest is no jest.

宁失一虐,不失一友。Better lose a jest than a friend.

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她开始讲话时先说一个笑话。She preludes her remarks with a jest.

寂静的大篷车传来一阵暴笑。A jest falls from the speechless caravan.

即使涅斯托发誓说那笑话很可笑。Though Nestor swear the jest be laughable.

他在书店偶然发现了一些笑话集。He lit upon some jest books in the bookstore.

海啸用车辆开了一个超现实风格的玩笑。The tsunami transformed cars into a kind of surreal jest.

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你总是闹不清他究竟是开玩笑呢还是认真。You cannot be always sure whether he isin jest or earnest.

好啦,我只是开个玩笑,但是这个玩笑背后是个很严肃的观点。Ok, I'm joking, but underneath my jest lies a serious point.

这话虽然是半开玩笑,但其实很可悲。So you know I say half in jest but it's actually really sad.

孩子们把画了鱼的纸贴在朋友背后来整蛊他们。Children will pin pictures of fish to a friends back in jest.

你跟驴子开玩笑,将被驴尾打耳光。Jest with an ass and he will flap you in the face with his tail.

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嘲笑驴,它会用它的尾巴拍打你的脸。Jest with an ass and he will flap you in thhe face with his tail.

呵,向一个乞丐伸手求乞真是一个天大的玩笑!Ah, what a kingly jest was it to open thy palm to a beggar to beg!

呵,这开的是什么样的帝王的玩笑,向一个乞丐伸手求乞!Ah, what a kingly jest was it to open thy palm to a beggar to beg!

但是令人失望的是是次联盟战争只有斗数会员参与。It was disappointed by our union jest had less member to join the way.

俗话说的好,许多真相都是开着玩笑说出来的。We have the saw to the effect that many a true word is spoken in jest.

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尽管我在这里开了不少的玩笑,不过还是要讲一讲更多的事实真相。While there is much said in jest here, there's also much said in truth.

人们开始拿这事开玩笑,互相唠着并分享自己的报纸。The men started to jest about it, talk to each other, and share the newspaper.

恐怕你今天见不到他了,一个小时前,他刚别派去执行一项重要任务了。I'm afraid you can't see him today, he sent on a important mission jest one hour ago.