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为什么你们会觉得格雷泽对曼联投了资呢?Why do you think Glazer has invested money in United?

祖纳芬基里沙拥有独特的视觉型格,他并不急于在短时间内表达一切。Jonathan Glazer has a distinctive visual style, and he is in no hurry.

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但Glazer先生称,近年来中国一直在发展实验学校。But Mr. Glazer says in recent years China has been developing experimental schools.

"短线而言,美国股市和固定收益资产可能相对受益较大,"Glazer说."In the short run, U.S. equities and fixed income might benefit on a relative basis," Glazer said.

因被控入室盗窃,阿瑟·布斯日前在迈阿密戴德郡的保释庭受审,主审法官是敏迪·葛莱泽。Arthur Booth appeared in front of judge Mindy Glazer at Miami-Dade bond court charged with burglary.

吉尔同时强调格雷泽家族会继续在转会市场上支持主帅。Gill also stated that the Glazer family will continue to back Sir Alex Ferguson in the transfer market.

格莱斯先生指出潜在的房东需要记得对这两项进行投资计算。Mr. Glazer says potential landlords need to remember that there are two parts to the investment calculation.

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曼联希望年底前完成这次IPO,双重股权结构可以让格拉泽家族保持对曼联的控制权。That dual-share structure would allow the Glazer family to retain control of the football club after the IPO.

这一配色正是曼联球迷们用以表示对球队老板格雷泽家族的不满的。The colors have been adopted by Manchester United fans unhappy with the Glazer family's ownership of the club.

马尔科姆-格雷泽在2005年购入了曼彻斯特联,尽管当时遭遇到一组球迷的强烈不满。Malcolm Glazer led a takeover of Manchester United in 2005 despite fierce resistance from a group of supporters.

曼联在全世界的球迷都热烈欢迎着这一所有权的变动,因为格拉泽家族的掌管实在太过富有争议性了。United's massive fan base around the globe are certain to welcome the change of ownership from the controversial Glazer regime.

格雷泽家族的发言人拒绝就以上这些报道发表评论,JP摩根和德意志银行也是三缄其口。The Glazer family's spokesman refused to comment this week on those reports, and both JP Morgan and Deutsche Bank issued no comments.

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"成交量暗示零售账户的参与度不高,要想证实涨势的可持持续性,需要有广泛的零售账户的参与,"Glazer称."The volume suggests there's not broad retail participation, and to have conviction in the rally, you'd like to see that," Glazer said.

联曼成立于2005年,是部分顶级联赛豪门曼联的球迷因不满格雷泽家族的统治而分裂出来的。FC United were formed in 2005 as a breakaway club by supporters opposed to the Glazer family's takeover of Premier League giants Manchester United.

在成为一名上釉和玻璃安装工后,他转而从事玻璃彩绘和设计,逐渐获得了英国各地教堂的任务。After working as a glazer and glass-restorer, he had turned to glass-painting and designing, gradually obtaining commissions in churches all over Britain.

但是格拉泽先生说,最近几年,中国在打造一批实验学校,这些学校意在以美国教育模式培养。But Mr. Glazer says in recent years China has been developing experimental schools. These offer more student-centered learning the way many top American schools do.

"若人们担心经济出现两次探底,那资金可能会流出投资级和高收益债券,"Glazer称.""If there were fear of a double-dip recession, probably flows would come out of both investment grade and high yield," Glazer says. "The money is already in fixed income.

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阿拉伯人将满足美国格拉泽家族的一切资金要求,也将为教练弗格森提供一切要求的转会引援资金。The Arabs can satisfy any request for proof of funding from the Glazer family in the United States and are also willing to fund a massive transfer fund for manager Sir Alex Ferguson.

格雷泽家族首先染指英国足球,他们买下了红魔曼联,同时乔治-吉列和汤姆-西克斯在今年早些时候控制了利物浦俱乐部。The Glazer family were the first to enter the English football scene by buying Manchester United, while George Gillett Jr and Tom Hicks bought control of Liverpool earlier this year.

反复无常的阿布,固执愚蠢的希克斯和贪得无厌的乌斯马诺夫看来要让格拉泽家族得到一个好名声了。The whims of Roman Abramovich, the pigheadedness of Tom Hicks and the predatory stalking of Alisher Usmanov are in danger of giving the Glazer family a good name, if only by default.