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他正在滑滑梯。He is sliding.

原来是滑沙呀!It's sliding on sand!

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滑动门在槽沟中移动。Sliding doors move in grooves.

哧溜一声,他就滑下去了。He slid down with a sliding sound.

那是。这滑沙多好玩。Sure. Sliding on sand must be fun.

很好,可是需要点滑音技术。Good, but need more sliding technic.

他们是从一根绳子上滑下来逃走的。They escaped by sliding down a rope.

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我们再来看下雪橇在光滑冰面上滑行的例子。Well , a sledge sliding on flat ice.

我看见一个人踏在香蕉皮上滑倒了。I saw a man sliding on a banana skin.

没有一只企鹅会在树边行!No more penguins sliding near a tree!

他下山是溜下来的。He descended the hill by sliding down.

房间之间有滑门。There are sliding doors between rooms.

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我猜那些应该是滑门的某个部份。I think they come out of sliding doors.

它总是会从鼻子上滑下来的!They’ll always be sliding down my nose!

这也是在游标尺上,可选择的。It's also on a vernier, a sliding scale.

滑动革命让世界永动!Sliding innovations that make the world move!

这些房间通过滑动的镶板隔开。The space can be separated by sliding panels.

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他正在操场上玩滑滑梯。He is sliding down the slide on the playground.

沿滑动面产生滑动的塑性楔体。Sliding of plastic wedges along gliding planes.

当时世界正在滑向大萧条的深渊。The world was sliding into the Great Depression.