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嗨!卡拉阿姨!Hi! Aunt Kala!

她是你的姨母吗?Is she your aunt?

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我的姑姑是一个兽医。My aunt is a vet.

我的姨妈住在这里.My aunt lives here.

我在听,我的姑姑。I am listening, aunt.

我只有一个阿姨。I only have one aunt.

泰喜阿姨会理头发!Aunt Tracy knows hair!

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就像阿姨和大姨一样!Like aunt and the aunt!

你的伯母正在做什么?。What's your aunt doing?

我的大姨妈来了。My aunt Flo is visiting.

萨莉阿姨去购物。Aunt Sally went shopping.

他在他姨妈家寄膳。He boarded with his aunt.

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这是露西娅阿姨吗?Is that aunt lucia there?

舅妈帕特丽夏是他的妻子。Aunt Patricia is his wife.

我婶婶那时已经瞎了。My aunt was blind by then.

姨妈、姨丈都好吗?Uncle, aunt are all right?

姑姑爱家乡,我更爱家乡。My aunt loves our hometown.

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你不应该怪我舅母。You must not blame my aunt.

这些是我的叔叔和姑母。These are my uncle and aunt.

玛丽阿姨的生日是甚么时间?。When is Aunt Marys birthday?