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不优于2doesn't dominate 2.

我选α优于选β吗Does my Alpha dominate my Beta?

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看山河由谁来主宰。See who can dominate the world.

她必须控制自己的情感。She must dominate her passions.

我选α并不优于选βMy Alpha doesn't dominate my Beta.

我所说的弱优于是什么意思What do I mean by weakly dominate?

艾德勒很难控制他自己。Adler could hardly dominate himself.

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荷兰人控制了波罗的海的贸易往来The Dutch dominate the Baltic trade.

不会近到排斥相互作用占据主导地位的地步。Not so close that the repulsions dominate.

今天,热塑性塑料主导了产业。Today, thermoplastics dominate the industry.

现在图片统治着曾经像课本一样厚的书。Pictures now dominate a once text-heavy book.

现在这些国家石油公司主导了石油市场。State-backed firms now dominate the business.

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我的禽兽生活佔领了我生活的统治地位。My animalistic life is in a dominate position.

恐吓地或轻蔑地讲话。To intimidate or dominate in a blustering way.

何兰橙色统治了备国赛场的看台。Ducth fans color dominate the stand in Germany.

何兰橙色统治了德国赛场的看台。Dutch fans color dominate the stand in Germany.

种性制度上层的婆罗门,在许多行业中占主导统治地位。Brahmins, at the top, dominate many professions.

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科比和费舍尔将会压倒雷阿伦和龙多。Bryant and Fisher will dominate Allen and Rondo.

没有,对我来说选α并不优于βNo, in fact, alpha doesn't dominate Beta for me.

枪战和恐怖的谋杀主导媒体的报道。Shootouts and grisly murders dominate media reports.