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非常大的一个豁口。A great big gaping hole.

血从裂开的伤口涌出。Blood gushed forth from the gaping wound.

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他伸出一只胳膊这样她就能够看见裂了口的袖子。He holds out an arm so she can see the gaping sleeve.

华尔街那些大大小小的伤口终于开始结痂愈合了。Scabs are finally growing over Wall Street's gaping wounds.

你曾在我心上,现在空了一个的大洞。The place where you once were is now just a big, gaping hole.

他镇定地拉起他的弓,将箭射去那蜥蜴张裂的口中。Calmly drawing his bow, he shot into the lizards gaping mouth.

别只是傻站在那儿冲我发呆---干点什么,你这个杂种!Don’t just stand there gaping at me—do something, you bastard!

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一发炮弹击穿你的右胸,留下一个大洞。A cannonball strikes right through your chest leaving a gaping hole.

该体系中最值得商榷的一个漏洞就在于维特服务这方面。One of the most discussed gaping holes in the system is via Twitter.

羽球场附近的法院围墙也被炸开一个裂口。It also blew a gaping hole in one wall of the badminton court nearby.

未完工的厕所成了一个个大洞,必须填起来。The never-completed toilets were gaping holes that had to be covered.

痛苦的嚎叫声从本该是它脸部的位置上那深陷的黑色孔穴中传出来。Howls of pain issue from a gaping black orifice where its face should be.

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近3,000位公民被夺去生命,在我们的心中留下巨大的空洞。Nearly 3,000 citizens taken from us, leaving a gaping hole in our hearts.

这个孩子揭开了弗朗兹生命中的空虚,尽管也帮忙填补了一部分。The boy unmasked the gaping void in Franz's life even as he helped fill it.

这一攻击指明新浪微博可能还存在一些不严密的安全漏洞。This attack indicates that Sina Weibo may still have some gaping security holes.

第二张显示一名乘客被吸出了这个大窟窿。照片均拍于机舱内。In the second photo one of the passengers is being sucked out of the gaping hole.

他站起来,大步走到门口,哈里顿和约瑟夫跟着,好奇地张大着嘴。He got up and strode to the door. Hareton and Joseph followed in gaping curiosity.

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泽兰是这个国家在宽阔的韦斯特谢尔德河口以南的唯一一块领土。Zeeland is the only part of that country south of the gaping Westerschelde estuary.

厄尼在一旁张着嘴震惊的看着,脚边是散落的残片。Ernie is left gaping in shock at Bogs and all the Bogs-related wreckage at his feet.

但这银河系中的史前文化荒诞玄学产物,还是让爱德华兹禁不住目瞪口呆。But all the Protoculture pataphysics in the galaxy couldn't keep Edwards from gaping.