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他的接纳GMH.His acceptance GMH.

木讷的接受着亲吻。Muna acceptance of a kiss.

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那不可能是接受稿件的信。It could not be an acceptance.

所以被普遍接受很重要。So general acceptance was big.

验收总结报告?。ASR? acceptance summary report?

这是我的接收函。Here's my letter of acceptance.

我想这也是包容的一种表现。I think that kind of acceptance.

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何谓无条件的接受?What is Unconditional Acceptance?

当接受发生,爱才会发生。Were acceptance is love can happens.

向银行申请承兑汇票贴现。Acceptance to apply for the discount.

这项建议被普遍接受。The proposal found general acceptance.

在某一个港口上接受货物。Acceptance of goods at one of the port.

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他的文章中也贯穿了一种对于人类弱点的包容。So does an acceptance of human frailty.

部署和用户接受度测试计划Deployment and user acceptance test plan

我知道了,我看过他的接收函了。I know, I read his letter of acceptance.

最后的阶段就是就收改变。The final phase of change is acceptance.

新法例广获赞同。The new laws gained widespread acceptance.

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我学到的第二点教益就是包容。The second lesson I learned is acceptance.

这种观点没有得到广泛的承认。The view has not received wide acceptance.

第三十条子项目延期验收。Thirtieth sliver item deferred acceptance.