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但是说到底,究竟专家和非专家之间的区别是什么?But what exactly is the differentiator between experts and non-experts?

事实上,高质量的内部系统可以是一种业务差异。In fact, high-quality internal systems can be a business differentiator.

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在不久的将来,RIA专家将会是简历的一个重要筛选条件。In the near future, being an RIA pro will be a key resume differentiator.

代码质量不仅成为了一个必需品,更成为了一个竞争优势。Quality code has become not only a necessity, but a competitive differentiator.

用户和管制反对让在线隐私成为大公司之间的分水岭。Consumer and regulatory backlash make online privacy into a key differentiator for major players.

我们的目标是将项目预算集中在那些对客户来说真正造成差异的地方。Our goal is to focus the budget of a project on what creates a real differentiator for the customer.

人工智能将会成为智能手机竞争的关键,甚至全IT行业领导权的关键。AI will emerge as the key differentiator in smartphone competition and with it, overall IT leadership.

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数值试验表明,即使在微分允许高波数域足够的准确性。Numerical tests Suggest that the differentiator allows sufficient accuracy even in high wave-number domain.

本文介绍解五维波动问题的微分算子级数法。In this paper, introduced the Differentiator Series Method to solve the five-dimensional wave equation problem.

本文介绍了GLONASS定位系统,给出了跟踪微分器的滤波特性。The paper introduces the GLONASS pos it ioning system and gives the characteristics of tracking differentiator.

同理心这项被低估的“软技能”可能成为改变现状和真正理解问题的关键。Empathy — an under valued "soft skill, " can be a great differentiator and is key for truly understanding a problem.

这是与传统集成解决方案的关键不同点,传统集成解决方案都是紧密绑定的应用程序。This provides a key differentiator to the traditional development of integration solutions as tightly-bound applications.

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当某些我们的开发包含着并非单个客户的特定差异,即具有一定的普遍价值,我们常常试图将其回馈给开源项目。When some of our development does not constitute a unique differentiator we often try to push it back to the open source project.

此外,通过利用经过验证的可用资产,开发人员实际在利用切实可见的市场优势。In addition, by taking advantage of a proven marketable asset, a developer is taking advantage of a tangible market differentiator.

你知道对于这个应用和购买软件的关键区分将是如何能够很好的支持迭代计划。You know that a key differentiator for this application versus off-the-shelf products will be how well it supports iterative planning.

在那种情况下,预先提出可以满足需求的展望的能力是关键的有竞争力的区分。In that event, the ability to tell a prospect up-front that you can address their requirements could be a key competitive differentiator.

交付质量也是对市场的一个有力区分,市场中的高质量软件将更具竞争力。Delivering quality is also a powerful differentiator in a marketplace where high-quality software is now the exception rather than the rule.

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在当今市场上各种SCM产品的关键区别在于它们是在资产层面上还是在活动层面上管理变更。A key differentiator for the various SCM products on the market today is whether they manage change at the asset level or the activity level.

印度的客户将首次能够预订往返程的火车票,我们相信这个功能是与众不同的。This is the first time in India that customers can book return trips for train tickets, which we believe is a key differentiator in terms of features.

通过创建可重用资产,可以增强公司的可重用智力资本,而智力资本又是一个切实的市场优势。By creating a reusable asset, you can strengthen the base of a companyâ ™s useable intellectual capital, which can be a tangible market differentiator.