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丽唇的曲度。The curl of my lips.

她的头发是天然鬈曲的吗?Does her hair curl naturally?

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我就想窝着看看书。I just want to curl up and read.

卷毛穿过栅栏上的大裂缝。Curl through the wide fence cracks.

这只是用来帮我的睫毛往上卷。It just makes my eyelashes curl upwards.

长白条餐巾纸在他的手指下缠绕着。Long white strips curl under his fingers.

村里,袅袅的炊烟已然升起。The village, the curl of smoke is rising.

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在胎儿的位置,她会用勺子。Curl up in the fetal position, she spoons.

这个量叫向量场的旋度。That is called the curl of a vector field.

当他走时,他看到璃茉卷曲成一个球。As he walks he spots Rima curl up in a ball.

好的。要把睫毛烫卷曲吗?。I will, and curl it with the eyelash curler?

“呸!”他嘴唇一撇地讥笑着。"Bah! " He answered with a curl of his lips.

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并且不论在哪里定义,旋度都为零。And, wherever it's defined, it's curl is zero.

我只想蜷缩在床上和我的丈夫和狗一起入眠。I just want to curl up with my husband and dog.

滴答滴答,时间走的不紧不慢,袅袅婷婷。Tick tick, time to go leisurely, curl Tingting.

我看见一缕烟从他的香烟上袅袅升起。I saw a curl of smoke rising from his cigarette.

一缕轻烟从小屋上袅袅升起。A thin curl of smoke arose lazily from the cabin.

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一缕薄烟懒洋洋地从小屋升起。A thin curl of smoke arose lazily from the cobin.

和我的感觉,我想卷毛像孩子一样了。And the way i feel, i wanna curl up like a child.

这个场里没有旋度,旋度是不度量拉伸之类的东西的。There is no curl. This is not what curl measures.