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鹿肉是一种瘦肉。Venison is a very lean form of meat.

鹿肉是哪一种动物身上的肉?Venison is the meat from what animal?

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有些鹿肉尝起来和牛肉差不多。Some venison resembles beef in flavour.

野生鹿肉,烤鸭配樱桃。Wild boar, venison. Roast duck with cherries.

翡翠水饺,包有干酪和鹿肉酱。Spinach dumplings stuffed with Montasio cheese and venison ragu.

最后,老虎抓住了驴子,饱饱地吃了一顿。Finally, the tiger caught the donkey and had a great venison dinner.

有些商业化养殖的鹿肉味道和牛肉很相似。Some of the commercially produced venison resembles beef in flavour.

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基本上村庄小餐馆里的所有菜肴都是由鹿肉烹制。Practically all meat dishes in a village canteen are made of venison.

车上的鹿让她们有了夸耀的权利。There are bragging rights in the bed of that truck — and there's venison.

山羊鞭味道类似鹿肉,低脂肪,低卡路里。Goat penises kind of taste like Venison. They are low in fat and calories.

现在雷哲毕和他的烹饪团队正在这里研究一种新式的鹿肉烹调法。It’s where he and his team are working, for example, on a new venison dish.

来自万帕诺亚格的客人带来了5只鹿,所以菜单上肯定有鹿肉。The Wampanoag guests brought five deer with them, so venison was on the menu.

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帐篷里有一个炉子和两张桌子为客人准备,食物有冷冻muksun切片,小体鲟和鹿肉。A stove and 2 tables for guests. Slices of frozen muksun, sterlet and venison.

第二个博物馆则被用于储存鹿肉和鹿角。The second museum is used for the purpose – venison and antlers are kept here.

次子雅各穿上毛皮,捧著羊肉走进父亲的帐棚中。Watch the younger twin go into his father's tent with goat meat dressed up as venison.

鹿肉烧得恰到好处,大家都说,从来没有见过这么肥的腰肉。The venison was roasted to a turn -- and everybody said they never saw so fat a haunch.

每天都来的御厨,简单地杀了等待着的牺牲者,再为国王准备鹿肉。The cook came each day, simply killed the waiting victim, and prepared the king's venison.

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黑市仍然有野味交易,你有品尝野味的经历吗?There is still a meat trade of wildlife in the black market. Have you ever had any venison?

他们当时的宴会可能有鱼、鹿肉、玉米和其他的蔬菜。It is guite likely that their feast consisted of fish , venison , corn and other vegetables.

那天傍晚,我与朋友们吃了顿丰盛的鹿肉大餐,还有从这个动物身上弄到的樱桃沙司。That evening my friends and I had a splendid meal of venison and cherry sauce from this animal.