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一个监狱守卫漫步进入镜头。A CELLBLOCK GUARD strolls into frame.

Cellblock让你迅速捕捉并分享你的世界。Cellblock lets you instantly capture and share your world.

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我们走进一间监狱里一个大的监狱分区,在它的一个共用区域的周围有着几十个牢房。We entered a large cellblock with a social area surrounded by dozens of cell doors.

在“H号”牢房内一名囚犯和她出生18个月的孩子以及她的狱友住在这里。Inside "Cellblock H" where an inmate lives with her 18-month-old child and cellmate.

当一位成员开始创建cellblock相册的时候,这个相册就会有自己的邮件地址。When a member starts a cellblock photo album, the album is assigned its own unique email address.

要是他们最终落脚于同一个监狱分区的话,拉贾拉特南或许能够投桃报李,回报他的恩情。Perhaps Rajaratnam will be able to do him some favors if they find themselves on the same cellblock.

他们被赶到1A号囚室,警卫撕掉他们的衣服,接着又开始下达各种侮辱性的命令。They were herded into Cellblock 1A. The guards cut off their clothes, and then the degrading demands began.

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假如他们在囚禁区的1-A或1-B,这些犯人,他们就是杀人犯,他们是恐怖分子,他们是叛乱分子。If they're in Cellblock 1-A or 1-B, these prisoners, they're murderers, they're terrorists, they're insurgents.

他向下探视竖井,就在底部,大概有20英尺高吧,一根粗大的陶瓷管道毗邻着囚楼。He peers down into the shaft. At the very bottom, maybe 20 feet down, a big ceramic pipe runs the length of the cellblock.

厄尼在拖地板,他回头看到了诺顿典狱长在十几个守卫的随从下来到牢房。Ernie is mopping the floor. He glances back and sees Warden Norton approach the cellblock with an entourage of a DOZEN GUARDS.

当你在Cellblock浏览照片时,你可以选择一张一张地看或者是以幻灯片的型式浏览。People visiting can look at the photos one picture at a time or in slideshow mode as the pictures arrive or whenever they want.

第五区牢房的犯人应该有二十七个,但那天早上数来数去都只有二十六个人,于是警卫去报告队长,并先让第五区的囚犯去吃早餐。There should have been twenty-nine. Instead, there were twenty-eight. After a call to the Captain of the Guards, Cellblock 5 was allowed to go to breakfast.

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肖申克的救赎所创造的长期监禁生活的形象,可能会让人们意识到对那些重新适应正常生活的犯人的进行看护的益处。A detailed portrait of the routine of cellblock life, "The Shawshank Redemption" might change a few minds about the usefulness of incarceration in terms of rehabilitation.

他们走到第五区大门时,会有两个警卫站在门口数人头,算完后便到餐厅去吃麦片、炒蛋和油腻的培根。They walked up to the main cellblock gate, where they were counted off by two guards before being sent on down to the cafeteria for a breakfast of oatmeal, scrambled eggs, and fatty bacon.