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那么,家庭护理应做些什么呢?。So, what does the family protect behoove to do?

有必要把新帐与旧帐分开。New account book and old debt behoove are apart.

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人的心理应从哪个角度去看?Heart behoove of the person from which angle looks?

韩女士认为该公司理应以现金形式退款。Ms. Han thinks this company behoove with cash form refund.

时间本就能改变很多东西,让原本的匪夷所思成为理所当然。This can change a lot of things, so that the original fantastic become behoove.

这个问题理应引起各级领导的高度重视。This problem behoove causes the height of leaders of all levels to take seriously.

事实上,如果你知道要时常给自己一些恭维的话,那一定是应该的。In fact, it would behoove you both if you learned to pay yourself a compliment now and then.

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在造型上,每件家具的主要特征和工艺处理应一致。On modelling, the main feature of every furniture and technology office behoove are consistent.

假如对方告你侵权,理应举证该拥有该项目的所有权限。If the other side tells your tort behoove quote should have all limits of authority of this project.

作为一种社会公共资源,政府部门理应提供免费服务。Regard a kind of society as public natural resources, government sector behoove provides free service.

痛是理所当然,当我们在为爱而惨,当你说勉为其难,不如我们现在好好的散。The pain is behoove when we are in love, and miserable, when you say little, as we now have scattered.

总之整个过程都是透明可见的,所以大家的理所当然的认为这是一种公平的赌局,输赢只能看运气了。In the entire process is transparent, so everybody behoove that this is a fair game, winning only luck.

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生活事件能引起人们的心理反应,并伴明显的生理应激。Life incident can cause the psychological reaction of people, accompany apparent unripe behoove to stimulate.

由此可见,保护少年儿童的网络安全理应受到各界高度重视。This shows, the network safety behoove that protects teenager children is taken seriously by all circles height.

你们通过意志的努力,通力合作,诚挚呼唤神圣介入,是理所当然的。It will behoove you ones to join forces and call earnestly for divine intervention through the effort of your will.

这个世界,没有什么可以左右狮子的想法,不管是对是错,一切他们说了才算,爱情理所当然是自己做主。In this world, not what can control the lion's idea, whether right or wrong, allthey say is, behoove is love yourself.

守护则是个乐观活泼的贵族王子,理所当然的享受着权利,自信豁达,与人为善。The guardian is an optimistic and lively noble prince, behoove of enjoying the right, confident and open-minded, good.

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而那种假坏,俗称“扮酷”的男人理应成为女人的“呕像”。And the sort of holiday is bad, common says " play the part of cruel " man behoove becomes a woman " vomit resembles ".

他也指出,由于用户使用搜索引擎是免费的,搜索引擎也理应无需向用户付费。He also points out, because the user uses search to all alone engine is free, search engine also behoove need not pay fee to the user.

我是一颗蒲公英种子,一直活在虚无缥渺的世界里,我理所当然的调皮、任性。灵魂也跟着我的身子一样虚幻、轻盈。I am a dandelion seed, had been living in nothing ethereal world, our behoove naughty, headstrong. Soul also with my body as illusory, light. MS.