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努力的工作态度,谦虚的精神。The culture of work and the great humbleness.

在哪里是中国传统礼貌谦逊?。Where is the chinese tradition of humbleness?

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在德隆凝视的目光里包含著狂妄自大、谦逊、还有自信。It's a swagger, a humbleness and a confidence wrapped into a single gaze.

「感恩」要拒绝骄纵操弄,选择柔和谦卑。Thankfulness is to reject arrogance and choose gentleness and humbleness.

在别人眼里柯磊是卑微或者说卑贱的,生存而没有生活。Stalk or branch in people look lowliness perhaps says humbleness Lei, live and did not live.

这就是为什么哲人们已经说过,你要醒悟过来感激上帝,因他的至高在他的谦卑中显现出来。This is why the sages have said that you can come to appreciate Gd's greatness in his humbleness.

客气并不只是包含考虑稹密、礼貌文雅和举止端详,还浮现在谦逊和谨慎。Keqi not only means considerate polite and well mannered but also represents humbleness and modesty.

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客气并不只是包含考虑周详、礼貌文雅和举止端详,还表现在谦逊和谨慎。Keqi not only means considerate, polite, and well mannered, but also represents humbleness and modesty.

真理最伟大的朋友是时间,其最大的敌人是偏见,其永远的同伴是谦逊。The real friend of truth is time, while the biggest enemy is prejudice, and close company is humbleness.

所有这些现象,都在在的告诉修行人,谦卑、谦虚、恭敬有礼是做人、做神的共同法则。All these phenomena reveal that modesty, humbleness and courtesy are common rules both for man and for god.

魔羯座因个性太好,即使别人对他很差,他一样待人谦逊。Capricorn have mild temper, even if others treat them like dirt, they still return with humbleness and respect.

在对兄弟们有任何不满时,虽有谦逊的态度,也无法使我的祈祷、我的冥想让祢接受。请增强我接近祢的努力。Though I come on humbleness and have aught against my brother, my prayer, my meditation, does not rise to Thee.

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很小的时候,我就认识到了每天辛勤工作的价值,也学到了许多终身受益的品质,如诚实和谦逊。From an early age, I learned the value of a hard day's work and was taught all-enduring traits like honesty and humbleness.

宽容,幽默,谦逊,内心坚强,喜欢户外运动和旅游,生活有品味的男人,是我的最爱。Tolerate, humor, humbleness , the heart is strong, liking outdoor games and traveling, living the tasty man, is my favourite.

人际关系就是一种善于听取别人意见体察别人的需要虚心接受批评的能力。The person, equipped with the skill, is adept in giving audience to others' advise, caring about their needs and receiving criticism with humbleness.

与此同时,要卑亢结合、虚实结合,适时调整接待方式,并应循序渐进、因地制宜的合理组织语言。At the same time, it is important to timely adjust ways of reception through a mixture of humbleness and haughtiness and a mixture of truth and falsehood.

从前,齐国有一位名叫黄公的老人,为人很讲究谦让,也很喜欢人家称赞他品行谦卑。In the past, an old man named Huang Gong in the State of Qi was very particular about being modest and humble, and he liked to be praised by people for his modesty and humbleness.