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我是卢安达的一个小孩,我只有八岁。I'm a Rwandan boy, and I'm only eight years old.

我是卢安达的一个小孩,我只有八岁。I am a Rwandan boy, and I'm only eight years old.

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学生们唱毕卢旺达国歌,教室里响起热烈地掌声。The student finishes singing the Rwandan national anthem, and takes in the applause.

但如果卢旺达人民胆敢质疑爱国阵线关于1994年卢旺达大屠杀的说辞,就可能遭到监禁。But any Rwandan citizen who doubted the RPF's version of the genocide could face jail.

卢旺达官员已经邀请贝利先生在他们的大学里开办他的课程。Rwandan officials have asked Mister Bailly to bring his program to their universities.

卢旺达种族大屠杀幸存者联合会支持发掘遇难者遗体的政策。The Rwandan Genocide Survivors Association supports the policy of exhuming the remains.

三千名卢安达难民返回家园了,当他们抵达国门时有些人高兴得唱歌庆祝!Three thousand Rwandan refugees return home, some singing in celebration as they enter the country.

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下课后,孔跑向走廊,与一妇女象老朋友一样相互问好。After class, Kong runs into his Rwandan codirector, a woman, and they greet each other like old friends.

与他竞争的三名候选人都是图西人控制的卢旺达爱国阵线的盟友。The three candidates who stood against him are all allies of his Tutsi-dominated Rwandan Patriotic Front.

十年后,该地在联合国妇女发展基金会的支援下展开多项计划,协助保护当地的妇女。Over a decade later, a number of initiative supported by UNIFEM were launched to help protect Rwandan women.

国务院非洲事务助理国务卿延达伊•弗雷泽还将跟卢旺达官员举行会谈。Assistant Secretary for State for African Affairs Jendayi Frazer will also have talks with Rwandan officials.

四名卢旺达种族灭绝嫌犯引渡尝试失败之后,又在这继续自由生活了18个月。Four alleged Rwandan génocidaires continue to live freely there 18 months after a failed extradition attempt.

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她反对卢旺达政府官员努力增加游客人数动物的原生环境。She opposed efforts by Rwandan officials to increase the number of visitors to the animals' native environment.

我来到这里,学会了许多卢旺达语言,学会了卢旺达国歌,了解了卢旺达的文化传统,卢旺达人对我很友好。When I came here, I learned some of the local language, and the national anthem, and I learned Rwandan heritage.

布什在同卢旺达总统共同举行记者会时,被问到古巴领导人辞职对美国来说意味著什么。At a press conference with Rwandan President Paul Kagame, Mr. Bush was asked what the Cuban leader's decision means for America.

卢旺达贸易和工业部长温森特·卡尔加就其国家决定改教英语以替代法语如是说。Vincent Karega, Rwandan trade and industry minister, on the country's decision to switch to teaching in English instead of French.

这一行动中没有什么事是完全由我们自己独立做出的,实际上,我们经常要向我们的卢旺达同事去学习和了解一些事情。There is nothing that we have done alone during this initiative. Indeed, at times, we have had to learn from our Rwandan colleagues.

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至于美国公司Voxiva提供给卢安达卫生工作人员的手机技术,可能会好到让富裕国家的手机用户嫉妒。The mobile-based technology provided to Rwandan health workers by Voxiva, an American firm, should make users in rich countries jealous.

孔校长轻快地唱着卢旺达国歌,他认为尊重当地的文化很重要,当地的文化完全可以自学自悟。Director Kong already has the Rwandan anthem down. He thinks it’s important to show respect for the local culture, when teaching your own.

孔建议他俩互唱国歌,互相品评,快快乐乐无忧无虑的学生们见此情景齐聚一旁,侧耳聆听。Kong suggests they sing the Rwandan national anthem together, and they do, with relish, to the delight of the students who gather to listen.