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玫瑰盘绕着小屋。Roses entwine the little cottage.

玫瑰盘绕著小屋。Roses entwine the little cottage.

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玫瑰与忍冬盘绕着小屋。Roses and honeysuckle entwine the little cottage.

树根在地底下纠缠在一起。The roots of these tresses entwine under the ground.

忍冬会缠绕着竿子生长。Honeysuckle will entwine round the stick as it grows.

没有纠缠拉扯只是简单的过没人关注自己不关注谁。No entwine pulling simply won't care who concern himself.

没有纠缠拉扯只是简单的过没人关注自己不关注谁。No entwine pulling simply won't care who concern himimmolation.

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他茫然地盯着仍在翻滚缠绕的鳗鱼。His dazed eyes stare at the eels, which still writhe and entwine.

浮华的岁月雕刻了枯树的年轮,消散的时光勾画出纠缠的掌纹。The gaudy years carved the tree rings, abreaction time delineate entwine palmprint.

如果他有正当的事业。明确的上进心。忙都忙不过来。还有时间去纠缠女孩子吗?。If he have legitimate career. Clear ambition. Busy are busy. Still have time to entwine girl?

本人也想过算了,不再去纠缠那些所谓的长短,本人只需置信本人本身的选择就好了。I also want to have no longer entwine those so-called right or wrong, as long as I believe that my own choice.

年迈的爬山虎藤萝,混杂地纠缠在一起,争先恐后地攀沿着。Old of climb a mountain tiger rattan Luo, congestion entwine together, fight to be the first ground to climb along.

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梅映佳识破了他的丑恶嘴脸,打算把不涉密的论文交给他以使他不再纠缠本人。MeiYingJia caught him ugly faces, going to the confidential papers to him not to make him no longer entwine himself.

宋渝民万万没有想到,宋丹雅竟然会跟杰森纠缠在一起。Yu people of Sung ten thousand ten thousand don't thought of, Sung Dan was graceful will with Jason entwine together.

格蕾丝的阿凡达也与根系上同样的纤毛联系在一起——它们缠绕在发辫上,随之散布到全身。GRACE’S AVATAR is gently connected by the same questing ROOT- CILIA-- they entwine with the QUEUE and spread over the body.

她指挥人群踮起脚趾挥动手臂,让他们交叠手指然后反复、迅速地收缩回来。She had the group rock on their toes and swing their arms. She had them entwine their fingers and pull them back out, quickly, many times.

48小时内,新的毛细血管就会缠绕在新细胞上,向稳固的组织供应氧气和营养物质。Within 48 hours, new capillaries and blood vessels entwine through the new cells, supplying oxygen and nutrients to the now-stable tissue.

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有或者设计本身就是这样,在一些白痴无聊问题上纠缠一番,然后思路越来越清晰,得出结果。Designing perhaps be so, at some idiot boring problem up entwine some kind of, then the way of thinking is more and more clear, getting a result.

由纪跑去纠缠小满,得知小满并非信介女朋友的时分,更请求小满把邮箱地址给本人。By jamie ran to entwine XiaoMan XiaoMan not believe that afternoon, more the dielectric girlfriend XiaoMan email address to the request for herself.

他扣着我的后脑勺,把我压在门板上,重重地吻,裹砸纠缠着我的舌头不肯放开。He clasps up my back part of skull and presses me on plank in the gate and quite heavily kisses, binding to kick to entwine my tongue isn't willing to unlock.