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你可是个准爸爸!You’re an expectant papa!

每个准妈妈都必须有一个。Every expectant mother had to have one.

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不久以前我还是一名准爸爸。Not so long ago I was an expectant father.

然后,我们的侍者到了,她一脸的期待。And then our server arrived, her face expectant.

一个身上插满“准爸爸”标签的男人。A man with "expectant father" written all over him.

连椰子树都似乎憋得头昏脑胀,巴望能舒上一口气。Even the coconut trees seemed swollen and expectant.

我只带着空空的手和企望的心。I start on my journey with empty hands and expectant heart.

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为什麽准爸爸也会出现怀孕的症状?Why do some expectant fathers experience pregnancy symptoms?

一个即将做母亲的初产妇,应该避免这样的劳累。An expectant mother with a first baby should avoid such a strain.

很多临产妇女由于孕妇过多而被妇产医院拒之门外。Many expectant mothers were crowded out of the maternity hospitals.

我们的心灵需要有平静、期望的态度,才能够听得见神的声音。We need to have a quiet, expectant attitude to be able to hear Him.

所有的期待我们的父母在那里,此文章是为您服务!For all of the expectant parents our there, this article is for you!

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治疗方法包括保守期待疗法和宫颈环扎术。Its treatment can be divided into expectant treatment and cervical cerclage.

颈源性头痛保守治疗效果不佳,手术治疗效果较好。The efficacy of expectant treatment is bad and the efficacy of operation is good.

看起来另一位准妈妈像是要把自己塞到一条更紧的裤子里去。It was left to another expectant mother to squeeze into something a little tighter.

他发现,期待生小孩的父母在自己小孩出生期间会感到幸福。He found that expectant parents were happier in the build up to their child’s birth.

对病情轻,表现不典型的病例,必须严格掌握保守治疗的指征。The indication of expectant treatment should be taken restrictively in slight cases.

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充满期待,满怀乐观,每天早晨你都掌控着你的态度。you are in control of your attitude every morning, keep it optimistic and expectant.

当约翰听说他那怀孕的妻子已经进入医院的时候,他像颗发射出去的子弹一样飞奔而去了。When John heard that his expectant wife had gone to the hospital, he was off like a shot.

咨询了好几家专门为待产孕妇服务的中介后,刘丽选择了其中一所声誉好的。After consulting quite a few agencies for expectant mothers, Liu Li chose a reputable one.