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他在最适当的时候到达。He arrived at the most opportune moment.

成立于2008年的美图迎来了一个时机。Meitu, , founded in 2008, arrived at an opportune time.

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适当地隐蔽一下很可能是通往恢复名誉目的地的第一步。An opportune absence might be the first step toward rehabilitation.

不过,在被问及该书出版时恰当的时机时,两人一笑置之。Still, its authors laugh when asked about the book’s opportune timing.

商业领袖们想了解客户的一些合适的方法包括Some opportune ways for business leaders to learn about consumers include

2010年世博会提出了一个恰合时宜的主题——“城市,让生活更美好”。The theme of Expo 2010 “Better City, Better Life” is particularly opportune.

我国在废电池的回收和处理方面正处于非常有利的发展时期。The recovery and treatment of waste battery in China are in an opportune time.

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不知是机缘巧合还是精心设计,她的这一令人吃惊的宣布来的恰是时机。She has by coincidence or design made the bombshell announcement at a very opportune moment.

首先,她等待合适的时机开口——哈利看到复活节彩蛋时正黯然神伤。First, she waits for the opportune moment, when Harry is feeling emotional about his Easter egg.

所以考虑到这些因素,你会发现这是一个发起收购的很好时机.So you've taken all this into consideration -- you can see this is an opportune time to make a bid.

而且,它出现在一个适当的时机——科学家们拥有的数据远远多于理论所不能描述的数据。And it comes at an opportune moment — scientists have vastly more data than theories to describe it.

除了所讨论问题的相关性以外,本次会议的时机也非常合适。Apart from the relevance of issues being addressed, the timing of this conference is most opportune.

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斗犬的速度和火力使它成为迅速清除外壳的好工具。The speed and decent power of the Pitbull makes it an opportune tool to pick off some husks quickly.

这对希望维护中缅两国友谊的领导人来说是个良机。The hoopla comes at an opportune time for leaders who want to preserve goodwill between the two countries.

然而,如果惠普打算退出利润较低的个人电脑业务,目前本来会是个恰当的时机。Yet if H-P ever was going to escape the low-margin PC business, now would seem to have been an opportune moment.

从地球的线性时间来看,现在的阶段正是独处和自我审视的绝佳时机。The present phase of linear time on your planet is a uniquely opportune juncture for self-review and chosen solitude.

在复活节之际,这个蛋形的数码相框可谓是应试应景之作!With Easter almost around the corner, this egg-shaped digital photo frame could not have come at a more opportune time.

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如果你非常渴望看到流星雨,月亮的缺席无疑让2009年成为观测猎户座流星雨最佳的年份。So if you're hankering to see some meteors, the total absence of moonlight makes 2009 an opportune year for the Orionids.

幸运的时机好比市场上的交易,只要你稍有延误,它就将掉价了。The lucky opportune moment compares to the bargain of market, as long as you have a little bit delay, it will drop price.

这项筛检尤其适宜在婚前或妊娠前进行,使夫妇能讨论子女健康问题。This screening is especially opportune before marriage or pregnancy, allowing couples to discuss the health of their family.