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他们有肥沃的土地。They have a fecund soil.

南美大草原仍然是世界上最肥沃的土地之一。The pampas are still among the most fecund lands in the world.

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那幢牧师住的红砖大屋是个多子女的牧师在职时修建的。The large, redbrick vicarage was built in the days of more fecund clergy.

以肥沃。疏松的沙和腐叶土的混合土最好。The mixture earth with fecund , loose sand and corrupt leaf earth is best.

与此同时,亚洲快速的城市化已占用大量高产农田。At the same time, Asia's rapid urbanization has gobbled up fecund farmland.

对于爱情,小说的创作最初为此惊叹,进而对此进行了卓有成效的反思。Of love, fictional creation has the initial wonder and the fecund rumination.

鲨鱼族群不能够像其它多产的海洋生物那样经得起这样的商业捕捞。Sharks populations can't withstand commercial fishing the way more fecund marine species can.

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事实上,他还是教学领域中“最具有创造力教学理论的炮制者”之一。He was, indeed, one of the most fecund generators of pedagogic theorems⑦ in the teaching world.

而后一种情况,作品由于其所暗含的整个经验而变得富有成效,因为人们可以猜到这些经验是无比丰富的。In the second, a fecund work because of a whole implied experience, the wealth of which is suspected.

深根性,主。侧根均发达,以深厚肥沃的河床两岸生长良好。Deep root sex, advocate, lateral root all develops, grow with deep and fecund riverbed two sides good.

这里气候温和,土地肥沃,金城环抱,是藏风聚气的风水宝地。It is a geomantic omen precious place, where climate is mild, land is fecund and golden walls surround.

因此我们将创造出一个多产的新人种,这将带来戏剧性后果。So we will have created a new race of fecund , productive individuals and that could have dramatic consequences.

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酸性土壤。中性土壤都能生长,在排水良好。肥沃而湿润的土壤中长势旺盛。Acidity soil, neuter soil can grow, in catchment is good, fecund and wet soil the way corp is growing is exuberant.

务必选用肥沃质松,保水好,通气佳,排水优良的盆栽专用土。Be sure to choose fecund qualitative pine, it is good to defend water, aerate beautiful, the potted and special land with good drainage.

那邪恶之尊,就是撒殚对神的反叛,在此反叛中,人类的解放遍地开花,这就是革命。The Evil One is the satanic revolt against divine authority, revolt in which we see the fecund germ of all human emancipations, the revolution.

今天,马克·吐温柏拉图式的情人从这位改写美国文学史的人栩栩如生的梦中走了出来,用安谧、恬静、蒙娜丽莎式的眼神注视着我们。The Platonic Sweetheart gazes out at us today, Mona Lisa-like, from her repose inside the fecund dream world of the man who redefined American literature.

虎凤蝶在美国的东部可以发现,这种蝴蝶通常每年产卵两到三次,这使它位列最多产的蝴蝶之一。Found in the Eastern side of the US, this butterfly often produces two or three batches of eggs each year which puts it among the more fecund of butterflies.

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马达加斯加人想让他们新的、繁殖力强的朋友撒遍全国,提供一种附加的“作物”的热情可能产生适得其反的效果。The enthusiasm that many Malagasy seem to have for spreading their new and fecund friends around the country, to provide an additional "crop", may thus backfire.

对于苹果的技术魔力而言,iPhone最大的成功在于引导了移动应用程序的爆发,这曾是桌面仅有的富饶环境。For all its technical wizardry, the iPhone's greatest triumph is the way it ushered in a bounty of mobile apps, a fecund diversity previously seen only on the desktop.

但现在,已经有几个大城市了,我们只能做游击队,一边找几片相对肥沃的草地,逐渐变成小村庄,再变成城市。But now, had had a few big cities, we can do guerrilla only, look for a few relatively fecund meadows at the same time, turn a hamlet into the village gradually, become a city again.