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我是一位足球员。I am a footballer.

他是一个天才年轻球员。He's a talented young footballer.

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这是一个足球运动员的最好的时期。This is the best time for a footballer.

他打了一场伟大的比赛,也是个伟大的球员。He had a great game and is a great footballer.

贝利是举世无双的足球健将。Pele was in a class of his own as a footballer.

那个足球运动员已经转会到AC米兰队。That footballer has been transferred to AC Milan.

他身材很小年龄也不大,但是他踢球的方式很聪明。He's very small but he's a very clever footballer.

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运动场上一字儿站着十名足球运动员。Ten footballer stood in a row on the sport ground.

胸骨骨折在澳式足球。Sternal fracture in an Australian Rules footballer.

受伤的足球队员跛着脚慢慢走出埸地。The injured footballer limped slowly off the field.

“真杯具”我说,“你还算是个足球运动员么?That's pathetic, I say – call yourself a footballer.

那本书的封面人物是个足球运动员。The book had a picture of a footballer on the cover.

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这次事故差一点结束了他的足球生涯。The accident just about finished him as a footballer.

孩子们要求这位足球运动员签名。The little boys asked the footballer for his autograph.

他是一名拥有幻想般本能的纯正的足球运动员。He's a full-blooded footballer with fantastic instincts.

是啊,他是个很好的足球球员,但现在已经很老了。Yes, he is a very good footballer but he is quite old now.

这个足球运动员是个爱出风头的运动员。This footballer is a sportsman who likes to steal the show.

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像很多足球迷一样,我小时候的志愿,是当职业足球员。When I was young, I wanted to be a professional footballer.

但可惜他却成为了又一个技术娴熟的足球骗子。Instead he is just another very skillful, cheating footballer.

三次当选非洲足球先生的埃托奥是非洲的偶像。An idol in Africa, where he's thrice been Footballer of the Year.