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约翰频频点头。John is nodding his head.

他边说边朝“缅因街”点点头。Nodding at theMaine Street.

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我与他有点头之交。I am on nodding terms with him.

周围的人也点头称是。And there was nodding all around.

这位同学在点头One of you guys nodding your head.

这位老人正坐在椅子上,头向前垂着打瞌睡。The old man was nodding in his chair.

我和他是点头之交。I have a nodding acquaintance with him.

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希腊颠晃的海岬,蓝色的小岛。The nodding promontories, and blue isles.

他因为上课打盹被责骂。He was reprimanded for nodding off in class.

像两排长着灰白胡子的垂着头的官员。like rows of nodding gray-bearded mandarins.

点头并不见得一定意味着同意。Nodding must not always be read as agreement.

她还在一边发短信,偶尔打个盹。She's texting too and occasionally nodding off.

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法希边问边用他宽大的下巴指向上方。Fache asked, nodding upward with his broad chin.

“是,”黑人点头应道。"Yassah, " assented the negro, nodding his head.

她发着短信,偶尔也打瞌睡。She's texting, too, and occasionally nodding off.

他是点头之交,我连他的名字都不知道。Oh, I have been very fortunate, " he said, nodding".

阿尔瑟,你在点头,或许你解释一下?Arther, you are nodding. Maybe you should explain it.

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驼背五少爷点着头说。The young man with a hump still said, nodding his head.

他坐在金色的龙椅上边看书边点头。He sat in his golden throne reading and nodding his head.

如果你觉得自己开始打瞌睡,就半睁开眼睛。If you feel yourself nodding off, open your eyes halfway.