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据预测,到2100年,极热天气的数量将增加五倍。The number of very hot days is forecast to increase fivefold by 2100.

美墨边境线上有超过17000名边境巡逻员,比1993年增长了五倍之多。There are over 17,000 Border Patrol agents on the border with Mexico, a fivefold increase over 1993.

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长城公司最近开了其第三家拥有最先进水平的工厂,能使其产量增加五倍。Great Wall recently opened a third state-of-the-art factory which will allow it to increase volumes fivefold.

最初硅实验表明这种结构能提高5倍的吸收能力。Initial tests with silicon suggest that this kind of patterning can lead to a fivefold enhancement in absorbance.

但是,与因继承了乳腺癌易感基因1和乳腺癌易感基因2中的某些基因突变而增加了5倍风险相比,这种冒险是小得多的。But it's far smaller than the fivefold increased risk that comes from inheriting certain mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes.

半代的时间内,对一个收入水平已经增长到五倍的国家提出这样一个问题好像是毫无道理的。It seems almost gratuitous to be posing such questions in a country where income levels have increased fivefold in half a generation.

辅助生殖使以上风险增加多达5倍——从15,000-20,000人中出一例到4000人一例,萨皮恩扎如是说道。Their risk increases as much as fivefold with assisted reproduction—jumping from one in 15,000–20,000 to one in 4,000, Sapienza says.

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半代的时间内,对一个收入水平已经增长到五倍的国家提出这样一个问题好像是毫无道理的。It seems almost gratuitous to be posing such questions in a country where income levels have increased fivefold in half a generation.

据官方的不完全统计,近三年内布里真德镇年轻男性的自杀率增加了五倍。It represents, if the official statistics are to be believed, a fivefold increase in Bridgend’s young-male suicide rate in three years.

Sapienza说它们的风险在辅助生殖中上升了5倍--从每15000-2000人中出现一例跳跃到每4000个人中就出现一例。Their risk increases as much as fivefold with assisted reproduction—jumping from one in 15, 000–20, 000 to one in 4, 000, Sapienza says.

新工厂的生产能力达到高峰后,本田在印度总的汽车年产能力将达到30万辆以上。Once the automaker takes the new factory to its maximum capacity, its total output in India will expand fivefold to 300,000 units annually.

截至目前,SAHA还仅处于细胞培养阶段,但相关测试已经表明,SAHA可以将艾滋病病毒基因的表现度提高5倍。Until now, SAHA has been tested only in cell cultures. These tests have found that it increases the expression of dormant HIV genes fivefold.

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国际航空同时公布了它的财务状况,显示在在今年前9个月里税前收入增长了5倍。IAG announced the deal alongside financial results that showed a more than fivefold increase in pre-tax profits in the nine months to 30 September.

由于后来政府的油桶全部用光,接下来的清理工作带来了疯狂暴利,催熟了黑市交易,每个桶的价格翻了五倍。The ensuing cleanup frenzy was so intense that the government ran out of barrels, creating a black market that increased the barrel price fivefold.

然而在一周后的3月24日,摩根大通将其收购报价提升了五倍,原本在美联储协调下达成的这桩交易还修改了一些其他要素。And yet, a week later on March 24th, JPMorgan Chase raised its offer fivefold and other elements of the deal, brokered by the Federal Reserve, were amended.

首先找寻杓状的北斗七星,以杓柄上的两颗星的间隔延长五倍,就能在此直线上找到北极星。Look for Big Dipper , spoon of form at first , lengthen fivefold with two interval of star , spoon of handle, can find the north star on this straight line.

尽管还需要很多努力,但发展中国家已经越来越富足,1950年到目前为止人均收入增长了五倍。Although much remains to be done, developing countries have become much more affluent, with a fivefold increase in real per capita income between 1950 and today.

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有研究表明,中国航空公司在未来20年内的新客机需求量将会增长5倍,需要增购超过2000架客机。Studies have suggested that demand for new planes from Chinese airlines will increase fivefold over the next 20 years, requiring over 2, 000 additional aircraft.

国际太空安全促进会警告说,按照目前的速度发展,在太空漫游的垃圾数量将在未来十年增加5倍。The International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety warns that at the current rate, the volume of Star Drek will increase fivefold in the next decade.

然而联合利华的首席运营官哈瑞士·曼瓦尼并未因此而气馁,他打算在接下来的几年间将中国公司的销售额提高4~5倍。Yet Harish Manwani, Unilever’s chief operating officer, is undeterred. He is planning to increase Unilever’s business in China four- or fivefold in the next few years.