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那,德怀特·艾森豪威尔呢?How about Dwight Eisenhower?

难道是“这位警官是德威特·D·艾森豪威尔军队的”?The sergeant is the Army Dwight D. Eisenhower.

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德怀特霍华德应该是他们引援名单中的首位。Dwight Howard should be at the top of their list.

如果你想起了德怀特霍华德,那很正常。If you're reminded of Dwight Howard , you should be.

猜猜今夏谁在指导霍华德?And take a guess who tutored Dwight Howard this summer?

霍华德昨晚吃了太多的香辣咖喱鸡了。Dwight Howard had too much spicy curry chicken last night.

艾森豪威尔来自一个大家族,在堪萨斯州阿比林。Dwight Eisenhower came from a large family in Abilene, Kansas.

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在选秀大会上,魔术选择了高中生德怀恩霍华德,目前最优秀的大个子球员。It claimed high schooler Dwight Howard, now the best big man in basketball.

这是德怀特·艾森豪威尔在卸任演说中讲的,他说出了真相。This is Dwight Eisenhower in the farewell address, and he speaks the truth.

1944年6月6日,盟军司令德怀特·D艾森豪威尔批准实施行动。On June 6, 1944, Army Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower gave the approval to launch.

和德怀特在线聊天时,他又对我说一声“你好,里普·万·温克尔!!!!!”When I talked with Dwight online, he said 'Hello Rip Van Winkle ! ! ! ! ! 'to me again.

因为如果德怀特霍华德结束了在奥兰多的打拼,巴斯肯定会立即上位。Because if Dwight Howard ends up staying in Orlando, Bass will have played a major role.

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1952年,艾森豪威尔击败民主党支部候选人斯蒂文森,成为下任总统。In 1952, Dwight D. Eisenhower was elected president, defeating Democrat Adlai Stevenson.

就像霍华德一样兴奋,他的合同状况会渐渐转变为一场肥皂剧。As exciting as Dwight Howard is, his contract status could turn into a Melo-like sideshow.

当他健康时,他是全联盟最好的中锋,即使像野兽德怀特霍华德这样的全联盟最好队员面对姚明时也只能俯首称臣。When healthy, Yao Ming was the best center in the NBA. Dwight Howard is an absolute beast.

霍华德认为沃尔得学会减速,当他成熟起来他会懂的。Dwight Howard said Wall needs to slow down, and that’s something he’ll learn as he matures.

“当然,肯定了,”德怀特会对他的客户说,“到星期三我会将最终合同书起草好的。"Why, sure, " Dwight tells his client, "I'll have the final contracts drawn up by Wednesday.

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唯一能阻挡霍华德的也许就是德怀特霍华德了--还有罚球线吧。The only thing that can stop Dwight Howard is, well, Dwight Howard -- and the free throw line.

1952年11月6日,德怀特·戴维·艾森豪威尔高票当选美国总统。On November 6. 1952, Dwight D. Eisenhower was elected president of the United States in a rout.

让我们把国内开支削减到自德怀特·艾森豪威尔总统任期以来的最低水平。Let's cut domestic spending to the lowest level it's been since Dwight Eisenhower was President.