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他绝对是我的侄子。He is absolutely my nephew.

高文爵士是亚瑟王的外甥。Sir Gawain was Arthur’s nephew.

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夫人认为秦琼就是自己的侄儿。Lady think QinQiong is his nephew.

他的侄子是一个粗野的年轻人。His nephew is an uncouth young man.

今天我在家照看我的小外甥。Today, I was babysitting my nephew.

沃森太太有一个侄子和一个侄女。Mrs. Watson had a nephew and a niece.

他对年轻,桀骜的侄子说。Abraham said to his young, wild nephew.

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别戏弄新来的小伙子啊,他是我外甥。Don't hoax the new boy who's my nephew.

小侄子,有人把你的爹爹杀了。Nephew? Someone just killed your father.

这是斯克鲁奇外甥弗雷德的声音。It was the voice of Scrooge's nephew Fred.

你的侄子詹姆将他们交给康宁顿。Your nephew Jaime gave them to Connington.

我相信他是咖苔琳夫人的姨侄。I believe him to be Lady Catherine's nephew.

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我只是在为我心爱的侄儿着想。I'm only looking out for my favorite nephew.

这侄儿乱花他叔叔的钱。The nephew made free with his uncle' s money.

小侄儿看见了,很是喜欢,就拿去玩。Little nephew saw, is very like, take to play.

她的侄儿不说话,她的侄女也不说话。Neither her nephew nor her niece said anything.

大卫十二月份将有一个小侄女或小侄子降生。David will have a niece or nephew this December.

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我的外甥是一名棒球运动员。他是一名接球员。My nephew is a baseball player. He is a catcher.

我曾经在下雪的时侯,带着侄子和侄女到那里玩儿。I've taken my niece and nephew there in the snow,

实不相瞒,那个天使是我的小外甥。To tell the truth, the angel is my little nephew.