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该病由立克次氏体引起,由革蜱属的蜱类传播。It is caused by Rickettsia rickettsii and spread by ticks of the genus Dermacentor.

支原体、衣原体及立克次体的生物学特性有何异同?What are the main different bio-characteristics among mycoplasma, chlamydia and rickettsia?

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该立克次体经鉴定是属于Q热立克次体。It was proved to be Q Rickettsia by animal test and general method of serological identification.

恙虫病是由感染恙螨幼虫叮咬人体传入恙虫病立克次体所致的急性传染病。Tsutsugamushi disease is caused by Rickettsia tsutsugamushithrough the bite of vector chigger mite on human.

大蒜中含有植物杀菌素,除对细胞有灭杀作用外,对各种病毒,立克次体也有灭杀作用。Garlic contains phytoncide, in addition to the role of the kill cells, for a variety of viruses, Rickettsia also kill role.

自然感染蜱血淋巴涂片中的斑点热立克次体经酶标抗体染色显示清晰的阳性反应。In the hemolymph smear of the natural infected tick the spotted fever rickettsia revealed distinctimmunoperoxidase staining.

传播疟疾、黄热病、立克次体病、鼠疫、丝虫病等,毁坏谷物、木材和食品。Transmit malaria, yellow fever, Rickettsia of disease, plague, filariasis, and so on, the destruction of grain, timber and food.

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大蒜大蒜中含有植物杀菌素,除对细胞有灭杀作用外,对各种病毒、立克次体也有灭杀作用。Garlic Garlic contains phytoncide, in addition to the role of the kill cells, for a variety of viruses, Rickettsia also kill role.

神庙的主体建筑为两个大厅,两旁各倚一座有6根多立克圆柱的门厅。God Temple of the main building for the two halls, on both sides of the lean one has more than six columns of the hall Rickettsia.

黑龙江立克次体是近年发现的斑点热群立克次体新种,由其引起的疾病为黑龙江蜱传斑点热。Rickettsia heilongjiangii is a new species of spotted fever group. The disease it causes is heilongjiangii tick-borne spotted fever.

一种急性传染病,症状表现为寒冷和发烧,由微生物立克次体引起并由体虱传播。An acute infectious disease characterized by chills and fever, caused by the microorganism Rickettsia quintana and transmitted by the louse Pediculus humanus.

非洲蜱咬热是由非洲立克次氏体引起,往往病情温和,严重皮疹少,病情很少发展为复杂病情。African tick bite fever is caused by rickettsia africae and tends to be a milder illness, with less prominent rash and little tendency to progress to complicated disease.

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类立克次体的感染可以引起海洋贝类病害的发生,并且有时会导致贝类的大规模死亡,成为在世界范围内影响海洋贝类养殖业发展的重要制约因素。Rickettsia -like organism infections can lead to severe diseases and sometimes large death, which has become a restrictive factor in the development of marine mollusk industry in the world.