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谐波分析测量法。Harmonic analysis measure method.

这是个简单谐波振荡。This is a simple harmonic oscillation.

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这种作用就称为谐波畸变。The effect is termed harmonic distortion.

具有调和脾胃、清热润燥作用。Has the harmonic taste, heat dryness role.

此系统产生简谐运动。The system executes simple harmonic motion.

应用和计算谐波分析。Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis.

我来为你们演示泛音列Let me demonstrate to you the harmonic series.

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这就是所谓的自然泛音系列。This is called the Natural Harmonic Overtone Series.

证明谐振子的任何状态都是薛定谔相干态。It is shown any states of harmonic oscillator are SCS.

所以说这里的和声变化率是怎样的?So what's happened to the rate of harmonic change here?

位相扰动对三次谐波转换的影响。Third harmonic conversion of aberrated laser beam. Chin. J.

但对这种励磁机的谐波问题的研究尚未见文献报道。But the research on harmonic problems has not been reported.

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我想要的就是获得两人之间如和声般的融洽关系。All I wanted was to harvest a harmonic relationship with her.

对谐振子来说,能级是等间隔的。For a harmonic oscillator the energy levels are evenly spaced.

泛音的变化速度减得相当慢。The rate of harmonic change has slowed down considerably here.

他在这里准备做一点什么,泛音的速度发生了变化。So he's up to something here with this rate of harmonic change.

第一非简谐系数的存在使弹性模量增大。The first order non-simple harmonic coefficient enhances modulus.

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很明显,你会看到一个,简谐振荡。It's clear that you're going to see a simple harmonic oscillation.

基音,是指复合音中频率最低的成分。The fundamental tone, is the lowest frequency in a harmonic series.

弦变线电流之辐射电功率、增益、及辐射电阻。The Radiation Power, Resistance, and Gain of Time Harmonic Currents.