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当我请求帮助时,他只是高傲地笑了一笑,便转身离开。When I asked for help, he just smiled loftily and turned away.

直是奇迹。他从没有像这样把一个崇高的思想崇高地表达出来过。It was a miracle. Never had he so loftily framed a lofty thought.

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我比自己的影子更寂静,穿过纷纷扰扰的贪婪。More silent than my shadow, I pass through the loftily covetous multitude.

“我们的金融信息服务对象是经过挑选的客户,”克鲁克傲慢地说道。We supply financial information to selected clients, " Crook said loftily."

一些课程希望通过自由的媒体可以建立民主社会。Some courses aspire loftily to build democratic societies through a free press.

“我做梦也没想过把你这样的孩子叫做女人。”迪格雷傲慢地说。"I should never dream of calling a kid like you a woman, " said Digory loftily.

我不敢说自己是在关心一个农民的精神世界,在做这样伟大的事情。I dare not loftily claim this is to be a work about a peasant's spiritual world.

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所有植物屈服,只有常青树是风雪中傲然屹立。All plants succumbed, only that evergreen tree is in wind snow loftily stand erect.

在独处的岁月流中,悄然绽放在自然界的天地间,孤寂,傲然!With the flow of time, it silently blossoms between the sky and the earth, lonely and loftily.

我们可以有许多高尚的说辞,但性的确是我们本能的一种需要。We can have a lot of say decline loftily , but the gender is a kind of our natural need really.

其风格于时尚中见质朴,于质朴中显高雅,于高雅中彰奔放。Its style sees plainly in the fashion, reveals loftily in the plainness, in loftiness clear bold.

奥巴马曾在总统竞选期间傲然地表示,他的竞选团队会专注于政策。During the campaign, Mr Obama said loftily that his opposition researchers would concentrate on policy.

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“海上世界”拥有高雅、舒适的套房239间,可同时接待600多位宾客。The marine world has loftily , comfortable anteroom 239, may simultaneously receive more than 600 guests.

而另一方面,中国居高不下的储蓄率却一直保持着极为可观的社会资金供给能力。On the other hand, the loftily savings ratio in china went on keeping preferably serviceability of social fund.

虽然现今住房的层高尚未达到理想的标准,但周边吊顶也是可行的做法。Although the layer of nowadays housing did not reach ideal level loftily , but circumjacent condole also is feasible method very.

铁力木,或作“铁梨木”、“铁栗木”,在几种硬木树种中长得最高大。Ferreous mesua, or make " Tie Li wood " , " Tie Li wood " , cultivate in a few kinds of hardwood in planting, grow the most loftily.

计划的导言以高雅的字眼形容行动计划"谱写了中国人权事业发展的新篇章"。The plan's introduction loftily described it as "a new chapter . . . in the history of the development of the cause of human rights in China."

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方田木子期待为您服务,让您获得到优质、高品味的生活空间是方田木子永恒追求的目标!T. M. Z. Landscape design project Co. , Ltd. are looking forward to cooperate with you, and targeting in providing excellent and loftily living space for you.

方田木子期待为您服务,让您获得到优质、高品味的生活空间是方田木子永恒追求的目标!Suzhou F. T. M. Z. Landscape design project Co. , Ltd. are looking forward to cooperate with you, and targeting in providing excellent and loftily living space for you.

我国的改革开放取得了举世瞩目的成就,社会主义中国岿然屹立于世界的东方。Since great achievements have been achieved since the reforming and opening up to the outside world, china, a socialist country is standing loftily on the oriental world.