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他是名出色的黑管演奏家。He is famous clarinet player.

我们遇见黑管和长笛。We meet a clarinet and a flute.

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竖笛的声音轻悠悠地飘进我们的耳朵里。The sound of a clarinet floated gently into our ears.

帮个忙,拿起你的竖笛和我一起演奏。Do me a favor. Pick up your clarinet and play with me.

他在乐队里吹单簧管,我也是。Heckles played clarinet in band, and I played clarinet.

我对学习长笛和竖笛感兴趣。I am interested in learning the flute and the clarinet.

随后,单簧管,低音管和其它乐器也开始了演奏。A clarinet and bassoon and other instruments start playing.

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还有单簧管和用于单簧管独奏的乐谱。There is a clarinet and the sheet music for clarinet solos.

低音单簧管在木管乐组中形成浓重的低音。The bass clarinet forms a solid bass for the woodwind group.

我鼓励演奏双簧管和单簧管的乐手们多使用颤音。I encourage oboe and clarinet players to use plenty of vibrato.

单簧管是我最喜爱的乐器。我非常享受吹奏单簧管。Clarinet is my favourite musical instrument. I very much enjoy playing it.

与1986年,本尼·古德曼、单簧管演奏之王”,死在挥拍纽约。And 1986, Benny Goodman, the clarinet playing "King of Swing", dies in New York.

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我不知道哪里可以学黑管,因此这件事看起来全无希望。There seemed to be no hope, since I didn't know where to go to learn the clarinet.

这有些零零碎碎的乐器-遮阳棚是竖琴变卖后换来的。There are bits and pieces of musical instruments—the awning came from clarinet values.

我已经学习单簧管8年了,最近,我刚换了一位老师。I have been playing the clarinet for 8 years and I have recently switched lesson teachers.

这种新乐风演奏的基本乐器包括小号,黑管和长号。In this style of music , the trumpet , clarinet , and trombone form the basis of instrumentation.

后面我还是决定吹黑管因为我的手指头在长笛上面感觉很不舒服。But in the end I chose the clarinet since my fingers don't feel very comfortable playing the flute.

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如果你感兴趣的话,她的名字叫尼可·哈金斯,她的竖笛和长笛也吹得很好。Her name is Nicki Hutchins, should you be interested, and she plays the clarinet and flute as well.

这位传奇性的大导演,不会看乐谱却每周在纽约的迈克酒吧吹竖笛。The fabled auteur, who can't read music but plays his clarinet weekly at Michael's Pub in New York City.

第三章介绍了米勒单簧管的构造特点和贝姆体系的出现。Chapter III describes the structure of Miller Clarinet Boehm system characteristics and the emergence of.