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别在我面前唠叨!Don‘t nag me!

不要唠叨他。Do not nag him.

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良心会来敦促。Consciences may nag.

你的爱人很会唠叨吗?Does your sweetheart nag a lot?

别像个老太婆似的唠唠叨叨烦我。Don't nag me like an old woman.

我对你无休止的唠叨厌烦了。I'm tired of your perpetual nag ging.

三等太太,唠叨不休,嫌怪家事。The third-rate wife is a nag and complainer.

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把赌金压在那匹老马上就是白扔钱!It's a waste of money betting on that old nag !

有人对你唠叨不休吗?若是,是何原因?。Does anyone "nag" you, and if so, for what reason?

五马分尸,剥皮抽筋,千刀万剐!Five nag cent corpses skin a twitch and is cut to pieces!

“你有没有注意到你会唠叨那些你很爱的人?”"Have you noticed that you nag people whom you love deeply?

我愿意交换任何事物,只为了听他再叨念和纠正我一次。I would give anything to hear him nag and correct me one more time.

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喂,别以为你星星眼看着我,老子就会放你一马。Feed, don't muse that your stars sees me, Lao Tze will put you one nag.

我原该把事实抛开,把她写成一个唠唠叨叨、惹人生厌的女人。I should have abandoned the facts and made her a nag ging , tiresome woman.

如果你像对待良种马一样对待你的妻子,那么你最终就不会得到一匹老马。If you treat your wife like a thoroughbred , you'll never end up with a nag.

本文报道30例妊高症病人尿液NAG值的测定。The urine NAG of 30 patients with pregnant hypertension syndrome was determined.

“老骥伏枥,志在千里”,连一匹老马都能以幻想来支撑衰弱的身躯。"Li-an old hero, costraint", even a nag are able to support the weak body dream.

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他们可能感觉无所适从,只能不断地唠叨敦促另一方把事情办好。They may feel they have no choice but to constantly nag to make sure things get done.

她们很快便发现仅有伊利丹一人来到外域,他把纳迦仆人们留在了艾则拉斯。They soon discovered that illidan had come alone , leaving his nag a servants on a zeroth.

对51名男性和26名女性铬作业工人尿NAG活性进行了研究。The activity of urinary NAG in 51 male and 26 female workers exposed to chromium were studied.