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原子间距。Atomic spacing.

这是原子轨道。So these are atomic orbitals.

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禁止原子武器和核武器?。Ban atomic and nuclear weapons?

我想学原子物理。I want to study atomic physics.

现代原子理论是有缺陷?Is modern atomic theory flawed?

但这只是针对气态氢原子的情况。This is for atomic hydrogen gas.

还记得“原子时代”这种说法吗?Remember the phrase "Atomic Age?"

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这是原子质量。And this is called the atomic mass.

该市曾遭受过原子弹的轰炸。The city was hit by an atomic bomb.

原子时代是什么时候开始的?When was the atomic age ushered in?

他预测它的原子质量是。He predicted 68 for the atomic mass.

就是由于原子的排序。It has to be the atomic arrangement.

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各种原子的原子量是不同的。Atoms differ in their atomic weights.

我已经向你们展示了原子质量了。I already showed you the atomic mass.

因为原子理论能够解释一些现象Because atomic theory explains things.

它的质量是等于重氢的质量。It has an atomic mass of two deuterium.

原子结构与原子间的键结。Atomic Structure and Interatomic Bonding.

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但是,它不能仅仅是原子氢。But, it could be not just atomic hydrogen.

原子破冰船穿过冰山之间向前航行。The atomic icebreaker reeved the icebergs.

DFA的正则表达式引擎可以处理原子团?Can DFA regex engines handle atomic groups?