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ush相当受欢迎,Rush's quite popular

瑜伽在洛杉矶流行吗?Is yoga popular in LA?

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正在流行的那个吗?The being popular one?

那是一首非常流行的歌曲。It’s a very popular song.

我在班中很有人缘。I'm very popular in class.

它在伯克利分校流行吗?Is it popular at Berkeley?

都是流行的和文化修养高的。Both popular and high-brow.

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迈克尔•富特并不总是备受爱戴。He was not always so popular.

MMO游戏非常流行。MMO gaming is hugely popular.

大概为了流行吧。Maybe it wants to be popular.

她是个很受欢迎的作者。She is a very popular author.

她现在是个走红的演员。She is now a popular actress.

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现在围棋在日本很流行。Weiqi is popular in Japn now.

是的,她在中国很受欢迎。Yes, she is popular in China.

巩利是一位受人喜欢的电影明星。Gongli is a popular film star.

她在哼一支流行歌曲。She is humming a popular song.

唐代方术流行的原因。Tang square technique popular.

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为什么MJ在中国这么受欢迎?Why is MJ so popular in China?

我很愿意去。那里非常受欢迎。I'd love to. It's very popular.

它被民众认为是神圣的。It is sacred in popular belief.