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保护主义也是如此。So it is with protectionism.

第二个元素是贸易保护主义。The second element is trade protectionism.

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加拿大谴责美国日益增长的贸易保护主义。Canada decries "rising tide" of U. S. protectionism.

詹晓宁说,保护主义目前并不严重。Zhan says protectionism is not a big deal at the moment.

相当多的对中国的批评都是变相的贸易保护主义。Quite a bit of criticism of China is disguised protectionism.

我以为这种做法是一种贸易保护主义的做法。This kind of practice I think is a kind of trade protectionism.

我们旗帜鲜明地反对贸易保护义。We are crystal clear in our stance against trade protectionism.

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中国这边已经有了针对保护主义的举动。On the Chinese side there have been moves towards protectionism.

二要共同反对贸易和投资保护主义。China opposes all kinds of protectionism in trade and investment.

不论在足球,还是其他方面,保护主义只能培养庸才。In football, as elsewhere, protectionism merely coddles the mediocre.

同样对风险的规避演变成了贸易保护主义和岛国劣根性。This same risk aversion translates into protectionism and insularity.

经济衰退持续越长,保守主义的势头将越猛烈。In a prolonged recession, gale-force winds of protectionism will blow.

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腐败、保护主义和繁文缛节阻碍了外国商人在各个领域的发展。Corruption, protectionism and red tape hamper foreigners in all fields.

以制度创新来遏制地方保护主义是治本之举。Therefore, to contain local protectionism system innovation is required.

对市场来讲,任何让保护主义重新当道都是最坏的迹象。Anyrevival of protectionism would be the worst possible sign for markets.

地方政府监管不利的主要原因是地方保护主义。Local government superintends adverse main reason is local protectionism.

这样做可能导致保护主义的反击,并进一步打击贸易。Doing so might lead to retaliatory protectionism and a further hit to trade.

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第二,进一步开放市场,反对各种形式的保护主义。Second, we should open markets further and oppose all forms of protectionism.

在未来我们的模式中,没有狭隘和保护主义。There is no room for parochialism or protectionism in our model of the future.

当然,最有目共睹的进展是贸易爱戴主义的胁制。The most watched development of course is the threat of tradverte protectionism.