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科学家发明了一种新挤奶器。The scientist invented a new contrivance for milking cows.

这种机器是一般人发明不出来的。Such a machine is beyond the contrivance of ordinary people.

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到了夜里,我又拿出我的老办法来,爬到一棵大树上。In the night I took my first contrivance , and got up into a tree.

那设计是马丁在雪莉温泉旅馆从乔那里学来的。Martin had learned the contrivance from Joe at the Shelly Hot Springs.

来自那遥远统治的影响目前尚无法防止。No contrivance can prevent the effect of this distance in weakening government.

但是我自己却不再感到我急中生智的能力还是那般的无限丰富了。But I no longer feel in myself the same unbounded profusion of ready contrivance.

设计这样一个用铁和木制成的家伙显然极尽羞辱之能事。The very ideal of ignominy was embodied and made manifest in this contrivance of wood and iron.

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有人说爱尔兰咖啡的发明人是都柏林机场的酒保。Someone says that the contrivance person of the coffee of Ireland is all Berlin the bartender of the airport.

象柏拉图对话中所例示的那样雄伟的苏格拉底式辩论法,就是我所说的这种办法。The Socratic dialectics, so magnificently exemplified in the dialogues of Plato, were a contrivance of this description.

GDP号称“20世纪最伟大的发明之一”,是世界各国普遍采用的宏观经济核算指标。GDP was called one of the greatest contrivance in 20th century which is a popular macroeconomic calculating index in worldwide countries.

人们花在电脑上的时间多了,花在人同他人交往上的时间少了,于是人们开始对这项人类伟大发明所带来的非人性效果感到恐惧。With more time spent on computers and less with each others, people start to fear the dehumanizing effect of this wonderful human contrivance.

而到结尾可爱和匠心快要太过浓重时,就在电影最后,光芒四射的汤普森把缠绵甜蜜蒙上了一层辛酸苦痛。And when cuteness and contrivance get too much, as in the film's ending, the radiant Thompson can be counted on to put a tart spin on sentiment.

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在他们眼里似乎只有金本位制,这个邪恶和愚蠢的“正统”经济学家的恶魔般的发明,才会阻止人类实现持久繁荣。Only the gold standard, that devilish contrivance of the wicked and stupid "orthodox" economists, prevents mankind from attaining everlasting prosperity.

起初虽然感到迷惑,绫却开始有反应,小田对自己所作出的施暴行为亦开始感到兴奋。Although bewildered at first, Ayane begins to respond, and Oda becomes increasing excited as he sexually assaults her. In truth, the blue handcuffs were Ayane's contrivance.

换句话说,对于霍布斯,权力和权力关系,并不自然而然产生于我们之中,不如说是,像平民科学一样,是发明或艺术的产物。In other words, for Hobbes, authority and relations of authority do not arise naturally among us, but are rather, again, like civil science itself, the product of contrivance or art.

换句话说,对于霍布斯,权力和权力关系,并不自然而然产生于我们之中,不如说是,像平民科学一样,是发明或艺术的产物。In other words, for Hobbes, authority and relations of authority do not arise naturally among us, but are rather, again, like civil science itself, the product of contrivance or art.

结论三叶草皮瓣成形指蹼是一种良好的分指设计,临床疗效满意。The appearance and function were satisfactory. Conclusions Clover-shaped flap is a good contrivance in finger web reconstrction for congenital syndactyly. Clinial effects are satisfying.

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然而对于一小部分人,因为内心缺乏坚韧,他们不会保持良好状态,是这些人将会因为他们世俗的想法所产生的恐惧而颤栗发抖。Yet the margin of those who will not, for lack of inner fortitude remain great and it is these ones who shall shudder and tremble in the wake of their own fear born of earthly contrivance.