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这是不错的万圣节的贺卡。It is a good greeting card for Hallowmas.

人们在万圣节会化妆成不同的人物。E. g. People dress up in costumes for Hallowmas.

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后来被教堂定名为万圣节。It is called Allhallows or Hallowmas by the Church.

对于黑猫来说,万圣节是一年中最“悲惨”的日子。For a black cat, Hallowmas is the most miserable day.

对于黑猫来说,万圣节是一年中最“悲惨”的日子。As to black cats, Hallowmas is the most miserable day in a year.

只在万圣节里用戏法和杂耍捉弄和诱惑好孩子的坏兔子。A bad rabbit that lures or jokes good children with jugglery in the Hallowmas.

十月二十四日下午,我们住的这一片万圣节活动开始啦!On Oct 24 th afternoon, the Hallowmas activity started in our resident community!

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圣诞节礼品,复活节礼品,万圣节礼品,恒泰,茜草,…Christmas, Xmas, holiday, Christmas gifts, Easter gifts, Halloween gifts, Hallowmas.

当万圣节来到的时候,我经常和我们的兄弟们跑出去敲邻居家的门。When the Hallowmas came, I often ran out with my brothers to knock neighborhood's door.

是的,当万圣节来到的时候,我经常和我们的兄弟们跑出去敲邻居家的门。Yes, when the Hallowmas came, I often ran out with my brothers to knock neighborhood’s door.

拍照时正当八月,但把这相片做成万圣节的贺卡倒是绝配呢。The photo was taken on August, but would be perfect if make it as greeting card for Hallowmas.