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这部新的传真机将会加强办公室间的联系。This new fax machine will enhance interoffice communications.

该项业务建立在共路局间信令可用性的基础上。It is based on the availability of channel interoffice signaling.

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你要熟悉贵公司人力资源部存档的任何书面政策。DO know the specifics of your company's interoffice dating policy.

为了使部门间沟通更加方便,为一间公司的雇员。D To make interoffice communication easier for a company's employees.

办公室政治对每个人都很难办,但对有办公室恋情的人可能特别难办。Office politics are tough for everyone, but they can be particularly hard on interoffice daters.

你怎么才能明白,其实部门间的垃圾邮件反映了更深层次的员工绩效问题?And how can you find out the interoffice spam actually reflects a deeper issue of employee performance?

向外发送器是电信系统中传输在内部呼叫完成信息的设备。Outgoing Sender is an equipment in telecommunication network that transmits call completion information on an interoffice call.

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从道路标志,以技术示意图,从部门间备忘录参考手册,图形设计,提高知识转让。From road signs to technical schematics, from interoffice memorandums to reference manuals, graphic design enhances transfer of knowledge.

但是到比较年轻的一代,女性更容易找到背叛的机会,比如说在办公室之间,还有网络。But when it comes to the younger set, women may be finding more opportunities to cheat via interoffice affairs and the good 'ole World Wide Web.

她跟进与模型商业信函,简历,聘书,局间备忘录,新闻发布的好例子,和业务报告。She follows up with good examples of model business letters, résumés, employment letters, interoffice memos, news releases, and business reports.

简洁、准确和直观地描述局间信号系统的工作过程,将有助于局间信号设备的研究、分析、设计和实现。It is useful to describe the operating process of interoffice signalling sys- tem clearly, accurately and visually for their study, analysis, design and implementation.

信息经常通过电话、电报办公室间的传递系统、常规的邮政服务邮件、或者是像联邦快递一样的昼夜传递服务来传送。Messages are often transmitted via telephone, Telex, interoffice delivery system. , conventional Postal Service mail, or overnight delivery service such Federal Express.

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接着,详细说明时分多路系统在长途主干线路上的应用,以及最近引伸至市内骨干网和接入网的应用。Then, it describes in detail the application of WDM systems on long distance lines and possible applications in local networks, including those interoffice lines and some access lines.