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忽悠我!我不会上当。Flick me! I don't belive you.

这里有几个小鸡搏命小费。Here are a few chick flick tips.

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这部电影获得了四项大奖。The flick has copped four awards.

它是一部你非看不可的电影。It's a flick that you really should see.

你最喜欢的爱情片是哪部?What's the chick flick you secretly love?

我想看哈里逊‧福特主演的那部新片。I want to see the new Harrison Ford flick.

把这张桌子上的灰尘轻轻抹去,我们要用桌子。Flick the dust off and we will use this table.

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我会重新编程,然后我将轻弹开关。I'll reprogram and then I'll flick the switch.

你想要自定义您的光标笔势吗?Would you like to customize your flick gestures?

凤舞手一挥,便有了主意。Feng dancing once the hand flick and then had mind.

我就用手在墙上轻抚着,划到开关处,开了灯。I slide my hand along the wall and flick on a switch.

我挥刀再快,也不如子弹快。I flick knife again quickly, also not as quick as bullet.

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我叫伯特。弗利克,你们的难题我有答案!I'm Bert Flick and I have the answer to all your problems!

好的,当你结束的时候,弹掉它会显得很酷。All right, when you're finished, it's cool if you flick it.

但乡亲,不觉得这是一种原宝莱坞电影。But folks, don't think this is an original Bollywood flick.

为什么在日期和时间时,迅速轻弹它的所有类型?Why type in dates and times when a quick flick does it all?

听到这个的时候黑根不安地眨起了眼睛。On hearing this, Hagen flinched, a nervous flick of his head.

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完了向切端卷起或拂动牙刷。Finish with a roll or flick of the brush toward the biting edge.

您最多可以有11个家庭屏幕和浏览他们的轻弹。You can have up to 11 Home screens and browse them with a flick.

用撬棒轻轻弹开后置摄像头。A quick flick with our spudger disconnects the rear-facing camera.