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那么,这是遗传的吗?Well, is it genetic?

请问这是风湿痛遗传吗?Is it genetic rheumatism it?

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有无基因差异?Are there genetic differences?

没有遗传工程,什么也没有。No genetic engineering, nothing.

那么什么是遗传算法呢?So what is the genetic algorithm?

单卵双胎与遗传无关。Odd egg dual and genetic Mo close.

胚胎植入前的诊断。Preimplantation genetic diagnosis.

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可引起可遗传的基因突变。R46 May cause heritable genetic damage.

可能引起遗传性基因损害。R46 May cause heritable genetic damage.

绝大多数染色粒包含一个遗传单位。Most chromomeres contain a genetic unit.

促进多中心基因研究及合作。To promote multi-centered genetic study.

在青蛙和人类身上,性别由基因决定。In both frogs and humans, sex is genetic.

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裙边叶形具有可作为标记性状的潜在利用价值。It could be used as a new genetic marker.

邢永忠,水稻产量的基因分子基础,综述。Genetic and Molecular Basis of Rice Yield.

也许我在送礼物方面的不足之处来自于遗传。Maybe my gift-giving deficiency is genetic.

很多遗传变异是全球性的。Most genetic variation is shared worldwide.

这种阶级制度是一种基因的质量吗?Is this hierarchy, again, a genetic quality?

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ESCs对于研究遗传病很有用。ESCs are useful for studying genetic disease.

每种生物都有自己的基因芯片。Every living thing has its own genetic chips.

异卵双生胎的则存在基因差异。The fraternal twins have genetic differences.