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一个沙漏,指示一个未处理的预订请求。An hourglass to indicate an unprocessed reservation request.

只要有可能吃有机增长,自然的,未经加工的食品。Whenever possible eat organically-grown, natural, unprocessed foods.

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只要有可能,吃有机种植的,天然未加工的食品。Wherever possible eat organically-grown, natural, unprocessed foods.

你的购物策略应该专注于新鲜、未加工的食品。Your shopping strategies should focus on fresh and unprocessed foods.

由自然界中获取的未经加工处理的食物可以滋养身体,从而使人体能够自愈。Unprocessed foods direct from nature nourish your body so it can heal itself.

研究设计了一种新型的原粮加工除尘装置。A new type of dust cleaning device for unprocessed grain is studied and designed.

研究人员认为牛肉、羔羊肉和猪肉是未加工的新鲜肉。The researchers defined "unprocessed red meat" as beef, hamburger, lamb and pork.

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这些村庄的村民因使用未经加工的棉花籽油做饭导致摄入棉子酚。It turned out that the villagers had been using unprocessed cottonseed oil for cooking.

可可粉中基本上不溶的纤维素来自于未加工的可可豆的种皮。The mostly insoluble fiber in cocoa comes from the seed coat on the unprocessed cocoa bean.

对减肥的目的最有益的食物类型是新鲜、完整,未加工的食物。The types of food most beneficial for weight loss purposes are fresh, whole, unprocessed foods.

吃未加工肉食和加工肉食的人们的生活方式是基本相同的。They said lifestyle factors were similar between those who ate processed and unprocessed meats.

重置该实例。落空所有未处理惩罚的数据。这个在实例化对象时被隐含地调用。Reset the instance. Loses all unprocessed data. This is called implicitly at instantiation time.

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天然食品是未经加工的——例如,全麦面包代替白面包。Whole foods are basically unprocessed -- whole wheat bread instead of white bread, for instance.

旁通模式在比较处理和未处理信号的的对比中是特别有用的。Bypass mode is especially useful for making comparisons between processed and unprocessed signals.

一年后,她自己拿起相机照了第一批照片。A year later, she got the chance to take her first photographs, presented here largely unprocessed.

有关加工和未加工的肉制品对健康危害的差异的研究尚为少见。But studies rarely look for differences in risk between processed and unprocessed red meats, Micha said.

也就是说,餐厅只供应有机的、未经加工的水果和蔬菜、肉、鱼、蛋、坚果、种子和香草。That means serving only organic, unprocessed fruit and vegetables, meat, fish, eggs, nuts, seeds, and herbs.

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下方的情商,有一个均衡器开关,让您切换加工和未加工的信号。Directly below the EQ, there's an EQ switch allowing you to switch between processed and unprocessed signals.

有些钠天然存在于未加工的可食用品中,其中包括牛奶、甜菜、芹菜,甚至某些饮用水。Some sodium occurs naturally in unprocessed edibles, including milk, beets, celery, even some drinking water.

无论您是收购原燕或是洗乾净后的燕窝,我们都能成为您的合作好夥伴。Whether you are sourcing raw processed or unprocessed bird's nests, we can always be your synergistic partner.