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十月份我将教一个班级的认识论课程。In October, I will teach a class on Epistemology.

总之,自然化认识论仍然是规范的。In a word, naturalized epistemology remains normative.

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皮尔士认识论的核心是反基础主义和可误论。The core of Peirce's epistemology is anti-foundationism and fallibilism.

奥克肖特坚信,真正的政治学必然要建立在哲学知识论的基础上。Oakeshott believes that real politics philosophy must be base on epistemology.

如果我们将它清晰地定位于认识论和形而上学之间。If we draw there's this clear distinction between epistemology and metaphysics.

认识论部分是整个王阳明哲学的基础和奥秘所在。Epistemology is also the foundation and the arcanum of Wang's theory as a whole.

皮亚杰主张发生认识论,即,认识的起源It was a discipline he described as genetic epistemology the origins of knowledge.

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这里,我想就这个问题,从认识论的角度,提出自己的一些看法。Here, I want on this question, from the epistemology angle, to propose my some views.

三是社会的视角,导向多元结构的认识。Thirdly, it is a social viewpoint, which leads to an epistemology of multi-structure.

以辩证的认识论的新方法取消了传统哲学的独断论。The new dialectical epistemology has replaced the dogmatism of traditional philosophy.

其中实践一元本体论思想和认识论思想显得尤为突出。Among them, thoughts of praxis-meta-ontology and epistemology are especially remarkable.

揭发实证论的一切谬见,因而驳斥它们,这是认识论的任务。It is the task of epistemology to unmask the fallacies of positivism and to refute them.

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这就首先需要我们在哲学认识论层面上对历境主义展开必要的反思性分析。So, first we need a necessary reflective analysis of the contextualism from epistemology.

非线性相互作用在本体论与认识论上引发了创新不确定性。Non-linear reciprocity gives rise to innovative uncertainty from ontology and epistemology.

他以“格物致知”阐述其认识论和方法论。He expounded his epistemology and methodology through exploring things to acquire knowledge.

庄子和休谟认识论之差异,也是中西哲学差异的一个缩影。Zhuangzi and Hume"s epistemology difference is a microcosm of china and Western Philosophy."

理解性教学凭籍其强大的拆解力向“教学认识论”发出挑战。Understanding teaching relying on its dismantling power challenges the teaching epistemology.

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马克思主义哲学的诞生在哲学史上导致了认识论、自然观和历史观的根本变革。The birth of it leads to a fundamental change in epistemology , view of nature and view of history.

它的产生和发展遵循着认识论和辩证法的客观规律。The development of intracerebral transplantation abides by the laws of epistemology and dialectics.

唯物史观的诞生过程表现为历史认识论的确立过程。The naissance course of historical materialism in the foundation course of historical epistemology.