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正规的中产阶级教育。He had a normal middle-class upbringing.

我受的教育平凡而普通。I had a very normal, low-key kind of upbringing.

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她的大公无私行为充分体现出她受过良好的教养。Her unselfish act reflects well on her upbringing.

所以英语在他的成长过程中的影响也很大。So, it's a language that goes deep in his upbringing.

这至少说明了那个缺乏最基本的教养。It indicates that they lack the basic moral upbringing.

口出秽言的人表示他缺少教养。People who use foul language show their poor upbringing.

父亲的童年过得非常艰苦,并且他还战争时期在布尔马效力过。He had a tough upbringing and fought in Burma during the war.

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因为母亲用甜美的乳汁养育了她哺育了她。Because the mother sweet milk with her upbringing nurtured her.

的确能减少社会性的偶然事件与养育环境的影响may eliminate the influence of social contingencies and upbringing

幸亏他们年轻和幼年的教育,才没使他们对事故感到十分不安。Thanks to their youth and upbringing , they were not upset by the accident.

没有什么比树,更能感激养育自己的土地。Nothing could be more trees, more grateful for the upbringing of their land.

于是,我想起了那片神奇山水中养育着的你。Thus, Almost reminds me of the wonderful landscape in the upbringing of you.

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我那在严格管教之下长大的老爸指望我也按照他的老规距生活。My dad, whose upbringing was very strict, expects me to live by his old rules.

少年早孕不仅仅是养育小孩的另一个困难处境。Teenage pregnancies aren't just another fact of life in a difficult upbringing.

费雷尔在杆的情况下,他相信他是一个吸血鬼由于他的成长过程?In the case of Rod Ferrell, did he believe he was a vampire due to his upbringing?

它也确认,教养对性取向即便有影响,也很小。It also confirms that upbringing has little, if any, impact on sexual orientation.

该书讲述的是他在军事世家的成长故事,以及他在越南和海军学院服役的经历。It's about his upbringing as military brat and service in Vietnam and naval academy.

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在斯派德的教育中没有什么预示着一个不同寻常的明星的诞生。There was nothing in Spader's upbringing that suggested the birth of an unusual star.

人们小时候的教养能反映出他们在成年时会怎样处理愤怒,她说。Aperson's upbringing may reflect how he or she will handle anger in adulthood, she said.

浅野在横滨的本牧亭长大,那是个典型的“后嬉皮前朋克”区。Asano's upbringing in the Honmoku area of Yokohama was classically post-hippie, pre-punk.