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少刷手机多睡觉!Twit Less, Sleep More!

我傻乎乎地笑了笑。I just smiled like a twit.

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我看见的那些成年人那样。A boring old twit like the adults I see.

你活出了自我并且喜欢这样的生活。You are a Twit . You live it up in style and love it.

别开玩笑了。这是真的危机,我得工作到截止日。Don't be a twit. It's a real crisis and I'm working to a deadline.

你是个没脑子的小笨蛋,你在纽约活不过三天。You're a brainless little twit who won't last three days in NewYork.

上帝并没有因我们的偏行己路而责怪我们不忠诚。The LORD does not twit us with them and charge us with being insincere.

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汤迪斯先生努力教你舌头怎样去扭国际音标辅音教学去翻去转去挖苦那些舌头笨拙的人。Mr. Tongue Twister tried to teach your tongue to twist and turn , and twit an twat.

这样一个愚蠢而又贫穷的笨蛋怎么就成了一部成功的热播电视剧的主角了呢?How could such an idiotic, needy twit be the basis for such a successful and long-running show?

罗伯似乎一点都没有意识到自己的形象在很多报纸上看来显得有点可笑。Rob doesn’t appear at all self conscious of looking a bit of a twit in many national newspapers.

这是不顾及他人的一代人,根本不知道人们要多么努力的工作才能赚到生计。It's a generation of inconsiderate little twit whohave no clue how hard people have to work to earn living.

很明显是一个希望掩盖自己身份的上流社会的笨蛋,以便凡妮莎·雷德格雷夫在年老时得到一份工作。It was obviously an upper-class twit who wished to disguise his identity so that Vanessa Redgrave could get a job in her old age.

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布朗特法官终于带着父亲式的慈爱怜悯地望着桌子对面的马丁。Morse was endeavoring to twit Martin on the latter topic. At last Judge Blount looked across the table with benignant and fatherly pity.

就是你前女友最后给你留下的那堆没用的东西,因为丫就从来都没真正关心过你,丫不过就是看上了你的钱,她给你的都是些没有的垃圾。A is for Arteries.You know, the things that your ex-girlfriend ripped out because she really didn't care for you you twit she was only after your money and could have given a shit about you.

就是你前女友最后给你留下的那堆没用的东西,因为丫就从来都没真正关心过你,丫不过就是看上了你的钱,她给你的都是些没有的垃圾。A is for Arteries. You know, the things that your ex-girlfriend ripped out because she really didn't care for you you twit she was only after your money and could have given a shit about you.