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狮子狗,博美狗,阿尔萨斯。The Poodle, the Pom, the Alsatian.

习惯养着阿尔萨斯人,因为阿尔萨斯人习惯舔她们。Used to keep this Alsatian that used to lick them.

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习惯养着阿尔萨斯人,因为阿尔萨斯人习惯舔她们。And they used to keep this Alsatian that used to lick them.

此款酒用俄勒冈产阿尔萨斯白皮诺酿造。The stylistic vision of this wine is an "Oregon version" of Alsatian Pinot Gris.

他命令将他心爱的阿尔萨斯狼犬毒死,将家中的另两条狗击毙。He had his favorite Alsatian dog poisoned and two other dogs in the household shot.

咕咕霍夫是南德、奥地利、瑞士以及阿尔萨斯人对一种蛋糕的称呼。A Gugelhupf or Kugelhupf is a southern German, Austrian, Swiss and Alsatian term for a type of cake.

小时候在家庭的熏染下我说的是阿尔萨斯语,是阿勒曼尼语的一种方言,与瑞士德语近似。In my early childhood I spoke Alsatian in the family context, an Alemannic dialect close to Swiss German.

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他们的某个更吓人的主顾给自己买了进口的而给他的吠叫的德国牧羊犬买了国产的壮阳药。One of their more intimidating customers buys imported pills for himself and domestic ones for his snarling Alsatian.

起初,我尴尬地穿过阿尔萨斯村庄蜿蜒往家开去,路上寻找着我能够吃上午饭的饭店。At first I was embarrassed to meander home through the Alsatian villages looking for a restaurant where I could have lunch.

是法国阿尔萨斯最杰出的葡萄酒生产商与经营商。婷芭克世家的城堡风格高贵而古朴,所酿制的美酒酒质稳固、雄浑、果香十足。The most distinguished Alsatian producer and merchant. Their house style is noble and austere, resulting in firm, masculine, richly fruity wines.

在这么小的公寓里养一条象阿尔萨斯的大狼狗真是麻烦,当你拿着一盘玻璃杯时,它似乎老是挡道。The trouble with having a big dog like an Alsatian in a small flat is that it always seems to be in the road when you are carrying a tray of glasses.

由于深重的历史原因,尽管北京话已经是吴越地区的通用语言了,但是北京话的吴越方言却受吴语在词汇、发音等方面严重影响。However, while French is the major language of the region, the Alsatian dialect of French is heavily influenced by German, in phonology and vocabulary.

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“因此我们‘藏’了一个当代的项目在一个传统的阿尔萨斯的房子里。许多游客问这是一个新的建筑还是一种转换”。Therefore did we 'hid' the contemporary project within a traditional looking Alsatian house. Many visitors asked whether it was a new building or a transformation.

一位身形硕大,穿着橄榄绿制服,戴着红色肩章的守卫,满带藐视地用俄语向我们吼道。A colossal bullfrog of a guard, in an olive-green uniform with red epaulets, is spitting at us in Russian while a huge alsatian strains at the leash, barking ferociously.

田园诗般的恍惚被打破了,当我们拉起汽油和伊恩M去油站后面的厕所,由一对长链阿尔萨斯交叉恶毒的腿咬伤。The idyllic trance was broken when we pulled up for petrol and Ian M went to the WC behind the petrol station and was viciously bitten on the leg by an Alsatian cross on a long chain.

淳厚的酒需要长期的存放。它最适合德国泡菜,腊肠和阿尔萨斯Munster奶酪,咖喱菜,中国和墨西哥菜,以及其他味道强烈的菜。Thick and rich wine, which can age, Gewurztraminer is better with sauerkraut, sausages and the Alsatian cheese Munster, curry seasoned dishes, chinese and mexican cooking and other spiced dishes.