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“民间化”是他们的最终目标。And both of them hold the nongovernmental as their final target.

双方由民间团体出面商谈贸易。Trade talks are to be held by nongovernmental organizations of both sides.

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在贫富国家中都出现了非政府组织,这带给我们希望。Then in both places the rise of nongovernmental organizations gives us real hope.

从它的个性特征来看,它是早期民间词作的代表。See from it'sfeature, it is the represent of the early nongovernmental word works.

没有迹象表明存在独立的、非政府的辩护律师。There was no indication that independent, nongovernmental defense lawyers existed.

每年我们都看到该报告内容被媒体或非政府组织引用。Each year we see the report cited in the press and by nongovernmental organizations.

弥勒佛是中国民间普遍信奉、广为流行的一尊佛。Maitreya is generally believed China's nongovernmental and widely popular one Buddhist.

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总部设在巴黎的无国界记者是在全世界倡导新闻出版自由的非政府组织。RSF is a Paris-based nongovernmental organization that advocates press freedom worldwide.

很少非政府组织或者多边努力有用,很多肯尼亚人说。Very few nongovernmental organizations or multilateral efforts do good, many Kenyans say.

你还应该注意抗议者或者非政府组织表达的观点。Also pay attention to views being expressed by protestors or nongovernmental organisations.

天文学又成为清代上层社会的一种时髦,民间的天文学研究也受到官方鼓励。Astronomy became a fashion of that upper class, while nongovernmental astronomy was also encouraged.

里纳乌多称,传播这一理念的并非政府官方和非政府组织。Rinaudo says government officials and nongovernmental organizations were not the ones who spread the idea.

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该地区的居民已从当地教会和非政府组织处了解到有关信息。People in that community have learned about the walk from local churches and nongovernmental organizations.

里纳乌多称,传播这一理念的并非政府官方和非政府组织。Mr. Rinaudo says government officials and nongovernmental organizations were not the ones who spread the idea.

但他认为,要提高中国公众的科学素养,单靠民间组织的工作是绝对不够的。But he said that, in general, nongovernmental work will not be enough to increase the public's science understanding.

但是,由于预算十分紧张,这些非政府组织只能收集这些报告,除此之外什么也做不了。However, with their *shoestring budgets, these nongovernmental organizations can do little more than collect reports.

本论文拟就从造像题记入手研究山东地区的民间宗教信仰。The essay studied nongovernmental religious belief of people in Shandong provence chiefly from the epigraph of figure.

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非政府组织正是顺应了这种发展趋势,以民间力量代表的身份加入其中。Non-governmental organizations, as a representative of a nongovernmental forces joined in it are suitable for this trend.

个人或非政府组织被禁止监测任何核设施附近的辐射水平。And individuals or nongovernmental organisations are forbidden from monitoring radiation levels near any nuclear facility.

以产权改革为突破口,实现产权民营化、多元化。Breaking through from the reform of the property rights, achieve the nongovernmental and multi-entries property rights. 2.