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搭起一道屏障。And put up a barrier.

而是心理界限。It was a mental barrier.

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学费可能也是一个障碍。Tuition can be a barrier.

铁道平交道口的栅栏没有上去。The railroad barrier won't go up.

树木可以提供防风屏障。Trees can provide a wind barrier.

然后我将隔板移开。And then we'll remove the barrier.

低速移动时副机方向固定。Puts up a barrier for a fixed time.

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这一障碍就是沉默与羞耻。It's a barrier of silence and shame.

烟花巷陌中,隐约可见丹青作画的屏风。The fireworks lanes, to Dan barrier.

水坝是防堵水的障碍物。A dam is a barrier holding water back.

卡罗伯提取新增为光障。Carob extract added as a light barrier.

计入了有限高势垒效应。The finite barrier effect was included.

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没有包容心是互相理解的最大障碍。Intolerance is a barrier to understanding.

这种“恐惧”是一种心理障碍。The intimidation is a psychological barrier.

由水坝或堰控制的水。A body of water controlled by such a barrier.

当罪在我们和神之间竖立起障碍。When sin erects a barrier between us and God.

还有语言肯定是个大障碍。and language can definitely be a big barrier.

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骄傲是阻碍我们完全降服的第二个因素。A second barrier to total surrender is our pride.

法师训练师增加一个新等级的寒冰护体。Added a new rank of Ice Barrier to mage trainers.

该岛离伯利兹著名的堡礁非常近。It is very close to Belize’s famous barrier reef.