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来为一个已克服的厄难作殿。Come in the rearward of a conquered woe.

前鼻下单元双轮并且向后收起。The nose unit is twin-wheeled and retracts rearward.

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他的公义必在他前面行,耶和华的荣光必作他的后盾。His righteousness went before Him, and the glory of the Lord was His rearward.

比如,当飞机的螺旋桨疾驰过云层时,会给云一个向后的作用力。When a plane's propeller, for example, spins through a cloud, the propeller exerts a rearward force.

一个六向的电动座椅可以向上、下、前、后、前倾和后倾六个方向移动。A six-way power seat includes up, down, forward, back, tilt forward, and tilt rearward seat movement.

后退是以斜对角肢的步伐做出向后退的两节拍动作,但是没有腾空期。Rein back is a rearward diagonal movement with a two -beat rhythm but without a moment of suspension.

导弹制导也经由指向后方的波导管从照射信号中采样。The missile guidance also samples a portion of the illuminating signal via rearward pointing waveguides.

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后退是以斜对角步伐做出向后退的两节拍动作,但是没有腾空期。The rein back is a rearward diagonal movement with a two beat rhythm but without a moment of suspension.

与其它喷射发动机一样,向前的推力是来自向后喷出炽热废气的反作用。As in other jet engines, forward thrust is obtained as a reaction to the rearward rush of hot exhaust gases.

其结果是优秀的司机后方的能见度,以隐私为后排乘客的高水平。The result is excellent rearward visibility for the driver, with a high level of privacy for the rear-seat passengers.

这个冲击波形成了一个压缩气体分子的圆锥体,它朝向外和向后的各个方向一直延伸到地面。The shock wave forms a cone of pressurized air molecules which move outward and rearward in all directions and extend to the ground.

电场中的正离子感受到太空船尾负电极的强大吸引力,因此会朝尾部加速移动。Each positive ion in the field feels the strong tug of the aft-mounted, negatively charged electrode and therefore accelerates rearward.

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毛发收集元件被枢转地安装在吸嘴内,以在向前位置和向后位置之间移动。A hair collection element is pivotally mounted within the suction nozzle for movement between a forward position and a rearward position.

蜘蛛和环绕目的是为了确保直线前进和向后运动,尽量减少失真所造成的一位发言者的暂停。The spider and surround are designed to ensure linear forward and rearward motion, minimizing distortion caused by the speaker's suspension.

该系统集成了现有的车辆视频显示器,提供了在所有工作条件下出众的后视能见度。The camera system, which integrates with existing vehicle video displays, provides excellent rearward visibility under all operating conditions.

正如你所看到的,一些试验做的目的是“涡流感应系统”,另一个锥形前与后方面临的摄入管节。As you can see, some experimentation was done with a "swirl-induction" system and another conical front-section with rearward facing intake tubes.

在高范围中的前轴现在被放下来,与一根杠杆相连接,而从低范围中选择的另一个杠杆向后拉。Drive to the front axle in high range is now engaged by pressing down on a one lever while low range is selected by pulling another lever rearward.

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相比之下,暖雨过程中飑线的生命周期缩短,而系统倾斜结构更明显,层状云区的发展比较旺盛。In contrast, the warm rain process is characterized by short life period, more pronounced rearward tilt structure and extension of stratiform cloud.

另一种顶棒可以直接和液压缸活塞偶合所以可以实现顶料系统的向前和向后运动。Alternatively the ejector rod may be coupled directly to the hydraulic ram so that forward and rearward movement of the ejection System may be achieved.

从上部嵌条的前末端开始,用力使嵌条到车门饰板上并且继续向后直到它完全固定在凸缘上。Starting at the forward end of the upper molding, force the molding onto the door panel flange and continue rearward until it is completely seated on the flange.