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未经批准擅自进口、出口精神药品的。Those who import or export psychotropic drugs without authorization.

个别滥用药物者在一指定期间可同时滥用海洛英及精神药物。An abuser may take both heroin and psychotropic substances during a given period.

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这个词也许很吓人,但是这常常非常有效,即使效果只是暂时的。The term can be scary, but use of psychotropic drugs is often effective, if only temporarily.

目的探讨高龄精神障碍患者的临床特点与精神药物使用情况。Objective To explore the clinical feature and psychotropic drugs used in aged mental disorders.

在这种情况下,他经常建议费洛蒙,以及精神科药物和行为疗法。In those cases, he often recommends pheromones, along with psychotropic medication and behavior therapy.

自五十年代起,中国政府一直严格管理苯丙胺类精神药品。Since the 1950s, China has exercised strict control over amphetamines and other psychotropic substances.

鲁拉西酮是一种新型抗精神病药,对多巴胺D2和5-HT2A受体具有高度的亲和性。Lurasidone is a novel psychotropic agent with high affinity for dopamine D2 and serotonin 5-HT2A receptors.

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吸食、注射毒品、长期服用依赖性精神药品成瘾尚未戒除的。Smoking, injection drug use, dependence of long-term use of psychotropic drugs with the addiction not quit.

精神药品的生产单位未经批准,不得擅自改变生产计划。Without authorization, no production unit shall be allowed to change the production plan of psychotropic drugs.

许多精神性药品都会导致服用者体重的增加,而体重的增加又会影响自尊心。Many psychotropic drugs have the unfortunate side effect of weight gain, and that can be hard on your self-esteem.

有一天,我要求过齐塔人帮助我的妻子克服她对治疗精神异常药物的依赖,以维护她的精神健康。The other day I asked the Zetas to help my wife to overcome her reliance on psychotropic drugs for her mental health.

研究者正评估这些及其他精神类药物在儿童和青少年中使用的安全性与有效性的问题。Researchers are evaluating the safety and efficacy of these and other psychotropic medications in children and adolescents.

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强迫灌酒或其它药物——动物被迫服用抗生素、药物、激素和精神药物。Forcing alcohol or drugs on others – Animals are forced to take antibiotics, drugs, hormones, and psychotropic pharmaceuticals

临床医师如何安全有效地使用精神药物治疗老年精神障碍应该引起足够的重视。Physician often face a dilemma of how to use psychotropic medication for proper treatment of such disorders safely and effectively.

麻醉药品和精神药品的进出口依照有关法律的规定办理。The import and export of narcotic drugs and psychotropic drugs shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws.

未取得药品批准文号的,不得生产麻醉药品和精神药品。No enterprise that has not obtained the number of documents of approval for drugs may produce narcotic drugs and psychotropic drugs.

在生产精神药品的过程中产生的废弃物,必须妥善处理,不得污染环境。Waste materials discharged during the production of psychotropic drugs must be treated properly so as not to pollute the environment.

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药品经营企业不得经营麻醉药品原料药和第一类精神药品原料药。No pharmaceutical management enterprise may deal in anesthetic raw herbs and raw material medicine of psychotropic drugs of category I.

介绍了催乳素生理、精神药物引起的高催乳素血症、高催乳素血症的表现及处理。The review presentes prolactin physiology, hyperprolactinemia induced by psychotropic drugs, phenomenon and treatment of hyperprolactinemia.

一名13岁女童与朋友晚上去旺角的士高玩,倒毙在街上。女童可能服食了精神科药物。A 13-year-old girl collapsed and died in the street after a night out with a friend in a Mongkok disco . She may have taken psychotropic drugs.