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哪个卖鱼的都不说鱼臭。No man cries stinking fish.

卖鱼的不喊鱼臭。No man vries "stinking fish".

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我手边没有任何臭板条!I don't have no stinking lath!

这个人的钱多得发臭。The man is stinking with wealth.

我才不要你的臭钱呢。I don't want your stinking money.

我们不需要任何发臭的模式!We don’t need no stinking schema!

那些洋葱的气味充满了整个屋子。Those onions are stinking the house out.

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污浊的空气终将被吹走,海湾终将被涤清。The stinking air will blow away at last, the bays flow clean.

上帝保佑,让我逃离撒旦的魔咒,她无声地哭了。God save me, she cried silently, from the stinking power of Satan!

“四人帮”创造了一个名词叫“臭老九”。The Gang of Four labelled intellectuals the "stinking Number Nine".

随处可见破烂的住房、肮脏的庭院和臭气熏天的小胡同。Here were crumbling tenement, squalid courtyards and stinking alleys.

旅站门廊里放着一个臭烘烘的大木桶,就是“便桶”。The first thing Nekhludoff saw, on entering, was a large, stinking tub.

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我们在这个腐烂发臭的青春里挣扎,最后万劫不复。Our youth in this rotten stinking struggling, and finally beyond redemption.

那样做虽不能将污物全部冲掉,但应该能疏通一些散发恶臭的排水管。That won't flush out all the sewage, but it should unclog some stinking drains.

充满邪恶臭气的地方,捂住你的鼻子,布布,我们要翻遍每个角落。A den of stinking evil. Cover your nose, Boo , we will leave no crevice untouched.

失去幽灵真境界,幻来新就臭皮囊。The stone's true sphere and spirit lost, It takes a new form stinking and debased.

母亲之爱绝非是恶臭粪坑般的世界所无法确定的东西。Whatever else is unsure in this stinking dunghill of a world a mother's love is not.

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河流变成了臭水沟,美丽的湖泊变成了垃圾堆。We've turned sparkling rivers into stinking sewers, glorious lakes into garbage dumps.

丰滦密联合政府的办公地点临时设在臭水坑。HSBC Kailuan of a coalition government set up temporary offices in the stinking puddles.

在乡下的很多地方,河流已经变成臭哄哄的下水道,小溪也消失了。In many places of the countryside, rivers have become stinking sewers and brooks have disappeared.